
可用于表达感情的文案 单纯入心 内心爽朗


You dont have to change anymore, because Im changing myself 你也不必冷淡,我没想过纠缠

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You don"t have to change anymore, because I"m changing myself.


You don"t have to be cold, I didn"t want to entwine.


You have a brain, but you have no heart, your brain said I was your girlfriend, so you have to be good to me, but you never have me in your heart.


Don"t squeeze too tightly with others when crowding the bus, give yourself a few centimeters of space.Work is also, study is also.


"Do you have a lighter?""No.""But why do you light my heart?"


Man, in the face of great happiness, suddenly becomes very timid.


The most painful distance in the world is not your indifference to say that you do not care, but you let go, I will always live in regret, can not forget.


Are you safe in the distance of distant thoughts, change is my face, the same is always love your heart!


The greatest happiness is three things: someone to trust you, someone to accompany you, someone to wait for you.


Cristiano ronaldo can score a hat-trick and I don"t think you can.


Do you know what phosphorus pentoxide looks like before it"s oxidized? What?"phosphorus.


I will never forget you, the corner of my heart will always have your place.

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