
适用于夜深人静时发的孤独文案 现实而坚定 爱情永存


If you can give me a future, then I am willing to paint a prison for you 人生遇到的每个人,出场顺序真的很重要,很多人如果换一个时间认识,就会有不同的结局

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If you can give me a future, then I am willing to paint a prison for you.


Life meet each person, the order of appearance is really important, many people if a different time to know, there will be a different outcome.


You are the deepest feeling I have ever experienced in my life!


You must have had a hard time growing up.

“你有几个眼睛”“”“你有几个嘴巴”“”“嗯 我也爱你”

"How many eyes do you have" "How many mouths do you have" "Well I love you too"


With loss and choose to leave.


An angel falls to earth for a smile, because heaven can never compare with a smile.


Some women can make people feel that no one in the world is willing to treat her badly.However, this woman.She just can"t get what she"s been hoping for.


Love is a sweet pain, and true love never goes a smooth road.


When I wake up every morning, seeing you and sunshine, that is the future I desire.


Let"s go eat the family bucket, and then we"ll be a family.


Three people"s friendship, always one will admit defeat.

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