
10句引人共鸣的伤感文案:我没有心事可言 我的秘密不可告人


I really miss the time when we met each other, hypocritical and warm, fresh and romantic 终究是出场顺序不对,我们两个没有未来

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I really miss the time when we met each other, hypocritical and warm, fresh and romantic.


After all, it"s not in the right order. We have no future.


The girl who is hard on the surface and sensitive in the heart and the stubborn boy will eventually miss it.


I have nothing on my mind to tell. My secret is hidden.


I will never show off who is around me any more. I am afraid that I will suddenly leave and leave me alone. I don"t look forward to it. I don"t feel excited. I"m afraid that my dream will come to nothing.


People who are favored don"t have to say sorry. It"s no use saying sorry to those who are not.


Some people meet for the first time is doomed to the result, some people crazy pursuit of you for five years, some people like you silently for three years, some people secretly take care of you for a year, are not as good as that person, only met for a month, met twice, talked for three months, you decided to be together, this is fate.


Some feelings have no choice but to say goodbye.


The world is very small, some people look down and do not see; the world is very big, some people do not deliberately meet, really will not see again.


Don"t be humble. That person doesn"t love you at all. Listen to your description, you may not even be qualified for the spare tire. The world is suffering, only from self.

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