
感悟人生的情感说说 句句碰触你的内心!

时间:2020-04-17 10:30:35


感悟人生的情感说说 句句碰触你的内心!

一、世人羡我们横行霸道,像一群无所畏惧的妖孽。 却又笑我们是被上帝抛弃的孩子,连没有幸福都不介意。 我们只是一群傻子,白昼时,手牵手走在旅途上假装快乐地歌唱。 午夜时,却醉生梦死在陌生人的怀抱。

The world envies us for our tyranny, like a group of fearless evil spirits. But he laughed at us as abandoned children by God, even without happiness. We are just a bunch of fools, walking hand in hand during the day, pretending to sing happily. At midnight, he was drunk and died in the arms of strangers.

二、流离失所在孤独的街道。 我们纵情声色不过是以此为寄,我们坚强不过是彼此相欺。 其实妖孽也会受伤,妖孽也会彷徨。 只是他们习惯将风光表于人外,将眼泪埋葬午夜月光。Displaced in lonely streets. Our heartfelt voice is just for this, we are strong but deceive each other. In fact, evil spirits will also be injured, and evil spirits will hesitate. But they used to show the scenery outside and bury their tears in the midnight moonlight.

三、一生自律善良,自觉没有做过什么对不起人的事儿,唯一觉得抱歉的是,给过自己的许多承诺,到头来没有几个实现过。Self-discipline and kindness in life, consciously did not do anything sorry for people, the only thing I feel sorry for is that I have given myself a lot of promises, in the end, not many have been achieved.

四、每一个人都在奋斗,在竞争,奋斗是必然的,能让我们更好的生活着,奋斗是一个人生存的意义,一个人的人生如果不奋斗,那么人生就没有价值了,奋斗能给我们很多东西,荣誉,金钱…将让你的人生更有价值。Everyone is struggling, in competition, struggle is inevitable, can let us live better, struggle is the meaning of a person"s survival, if a person"s life does not struggle, then life has no value, struggle can give us a lot of things, honor, money. It will make your life more valuable.

五、我笑,便面如春花,定是能感动人的,任他是谁。在乎我的人,我会加倍在乎,不在乎我的人,你凭什么让我继续在乎。I laugh, instant noodles, such as spring flowers, must be touching, no matter who he is. People who care about me, I will double care, do not care about my people, why do you let me continue to care.

六、多少无人问津的过去,才有了今天自强自立的你; 多少阴霾笼罩的曾经,才有了如今阳光明媚的你; 多少不愿提及的往昔,才有了现在云淡风轻的你!How many unknown past, only today self-reliance you; how many gloomy past, only now sunny you; how many unwilling to mention the past, only now you light clouds!

七、不管你昨晚经历了怎样的撕心裂肺,早上醒来这座城市依然车水马龙。这个世界不会为了任何人停下前进的步伐,越是没人爱,就越是要好好爱自己;你承诺了我一切,却什么也没给我,我什么都没承诺,却给了你我的一切。No matter how heartbreaking you went through last night, waking up in the morning is still a busy city. The world will not stop for anyone to move forward, the more unloved, the better to love yourself; you promised me everything, but nothing to me, I promised you nothing, but everything to me.

八、很多时候,觉得自己很快乐,回过头,却无法克制忧伤;觉得自己很坚强,无人时,才能卸下疲惫的伪装。谁的路途没有雪霜,谁的脚步没有薄凉,谁的心情不带着伤,谁的痛苦用别人扛。挫折中学会成长,坚强中把希望点亮。Many times, I feel happy, turn around, but I can"t control my sadness; I feel strong, when no one else, I can unload the disguise of fatigue. Whose road has no frost, whose footsteps are not cold, whose mood is not hurt, whose pain is carried by others. The frustration learns to grow, the strong light hopes.

九、对一个人的评价,不可视其财富出身,更不可视其学问的高下,而是要看他的真实的品格。每个人的生命中都有一匹骏马,无数黑暗过去,才姗姗来迟。The evaluation of a person should not be based on his wealth, origin, or knowledge, but on his true character. Everyone"s life has a fine horse, countless dark past, just come late.

十、泪水和汗水的付出成分是相等的;成功的时候不要忘记过去,失败的时候不要忘记还有未来。无论输赢都要高姿态。Tears and sweat are equal; don"t forget the past when you succeed, and don"t forget the future when you fail. Win or lose, take a high attitude.

十一、如果你曾经错过了昨天,那么请不要再错过今天。过去的事,交给岁月去处理;将来的事,留给时间去证明。我们真正要做的,就是牢牢地抓住今天,让今天的自己胜过昨天的自己,让今天的自己塑造明天的自己。集中精力看好眼前的路,才不会跌跤,才不会走岔道。给自己一个机会,重新开始。If you have missed yesterday, please do not miss today. Let the past be dealt with by the years; let the future be proved by the time. What we really need to do is firmly grasp today, let today"s self surpass yesterday"s self, let today"s self shape tomorrow"s self. Only by concentrating on the road ahead can we avoid falling and turning off. Give yourself a chance to start over.

十二、你此时此刻开心快乐吗?若是,你就得道了,与道同频共振了。 你此时此刻烦闷苦恼吗?若是,你就失道了,与道离心离德了。为什么现在的分手理由基本都是,不喜欢了,不合适,没未来,就他妈不肯承认自己喜欢上别人了?真是怂!

十三、孤独,是一个内心整合的过程,能让自己清醒的看世界,也能让自己理性的看自己。每次当我走进我们温馨的小窝的时候,我一身的疲惫感都自动消失了。因为有你,生活并不孤单。Loneliness is a process of inner integration, which enables us to see the world soberly and rationally. Every time I walk into our warm nest, my exhaustion disappears automatically. Because of you, life is not lonely.

十四、被人理解是幸运的,但不被理解未必不幸。一个把自己的价值完全寄托于他人的理解上面的人往往并无价值。人生不只是坐着等待,有的人本来幸福着,却看起来很烦恼;有的人本该烦恼,却看起来很幸福。每个人都有他的路,每条路都是正确的。人的不幸在于他们不想走自己那条路,总想走别人的路。It"s lucky to be understood, but it"s not necessarily unfortunate not to be understood. A person who places his value entirely on the understanding of others often has no value. Life is not just about sitting and waiting. Some people are happy, but they seem upset. Some people should be upset, but they seem happy. Everyone has his own way. Every way is right. People"s misfortune is that they don"t want to go their own way, they always want to go the other way.

十五、 有人问我,失去最爱的人那种感觉该怎么形容,怎么说呢,大概是,看喜剧都会看哭。爱情的道路上虽然会磕磕绊绊,但在乎你的人无论千难万险都会想尽办法的去找你,哪怕简简单单的“你在哪”,ta也会想方设法告诉你ta对你的思念。Someone asked me how to describe the feeling of losing a loved one, and how to say it. It"s probably that I cry when I watch a comedy. Although the road of love may stumble, the people who care about you will try their best to find you no matter how difficult or dangerous it is. Even if the simple "where are you", they will try to tell you how much they miss you.

十六、一切靠自己,这样的人生才不会输,现实的很多经历告诉我们,唯有靠自己,才是最可靠,独来独往的人都是勇敢的孤独者。Everything depends on oneself, so that life will not lose. Many practical experiences tell us that only by oneself, is the most reliable, lonely people are brave loners.

十七、她如何能不爱,感情不是水闸,说开就开,说关就关。那场感情,她豁出了自己,一丝也余力也没有留下。而他是在她最快乐的时候骤然离开,中途没有争吵,没有冷战,没有给过她机会缓冲,让热情消散,如同一首歌,唱到了最酣畅处,嘎然而止。How can she not love, feeling is not a sluice, say open on, say close on. That feeling, she spared no effort to stay. And he left suddenly when she was happiest, without quarrelling, without the cold war, without giving her a chance to cushion, let the enthusiasm dissipate, like a song, singing the most fluent place, stop suddenly.

十八、人会变,天会黑,人情礼往,世界多无奈,学会放下,也要学会原谅,时间是一个聪明的赶路人,自己也不能忘了学习。People will change, darkness, courtesy, the world is helpless, learn to put down, but also learn to forgive, time is a smart traveler, oneself can not forget to learn.

十九、那些事情取决于你本人为此付出多少努力不是吗?跟上天祈求做什么?考试的话,努力学习就能通过;金钱的话,努力赚 就会有。到底要祈求什么呢?Those things depend on how hard you work on them, don"t you? Keep up with God and pray for what to do? If you study hard, you will pass the exam; if you earn money, you will get it. What on earth should I pray for?

二十一、在这美好的夜晚,夜空的繁星代表我温馨的祝福,窗外皎洁的月色洒在你身上,替你洗去一天的劳累,愿你今夜有一个甜蜜的梦境!On this beautiful night, the stars in the night sky represent my warm wishes. The bright moonlight outside the window sprinkles on you and washes away the tiredness of the day for you. May you have a sweet dream tonight!

二十三、所谓门槛,能力够了就是门,能力不够就是槛。人生的沟沟坎坎,多半是能力不足所致。这世上,一个人做任何事,都会听到不同的声音,你大可不必太在意。The so-called threshold, ability enough is the door, ability is not enough is the threshold. Most of the difficulties in life are caused by inadequate abilities. In this world, when a person does anything, he will hear different voices. You don"t have to pay much attention to them.

超有魅力的情感说说 感悟人生 句句经典!

超有魅力的情感说说 感悟人生 句句经典!



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