
珍藏许久的情感文案 句句真实走心 温柔入心


I know its time for me to quit because theres a red exclamation mark in our dialog 有太多的来不及和差一点,成了我们分开的原因

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I know it"s time for me to quit because there"s a red exclamation mark in our dialog.


There are too many too late and almost, became the reason for our separation.


It turns out that you have a bright future, which means goodbye. It"s only because you understand it too late.


In the network reveals the soul chicken soup, but in real life you are vulnerable.


Only slowly lost their previous, can gradually grow up.


Of course you don"t know how sad I am, because you have never considered my feelings.


You shouldn"t reach for what you know you can"t reach.


The past has become a story, there is no need to think about it.


I think the best ending is to get together and break up, even if there will be no more contact.


He will certainly find someone to replace you in your spare place.


Once the choice was right, but later there were too many options.


In the future, we don"t even have the chance to say goodbye. Don"t you feel sorry?


Although I understand a lot of songs that I didn"t understand when I was a child, it makes me sleep very late every day.

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