
超治愈情感文案 感人肺腑 温柔又治愈


他们说,有风的地方。就是你爱着的人的灵魂在飞舞。Where there is wind, they said Its the soul of the one you love flying around 那

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"Where there is wind," they said.It"s the soul of the one you love flying around.


That suffocating ambiguous play, killed who unswervingly.


Opportunity is a traveler in a hurry to rely on it is dangerous, rash, and unreliable.


My final outcome is the third: do not love to make friends, enjoy loneliness, learn to be alone with yourself.


What have you been doing most of your life?What action have you taken while others are waiting?


Love is real, it is enduring, it is the sweetest and bitterest thing we know.


The deepest loneliness is when you know what you want but you have to be deaf to it.


You are the most beautiful view here."


I can"t love but for you my heart has changed.


The one who is always ignored. No one thinks about how I feel.


I want to embrace you, because to me, you are god"s angel.


Love is the tyrant of the heart;It makes reason unclear, judgment unclear;It did not listen to advice, straight towards the direction of crazy.-- Jo Ford

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