
疗愈又唯美的高级文案 简单高级 适合你的品味


All the stories between the eyebrows, not deep feeling is live up to 当我没头没脑没逻辑地跟你讲一大通废话的时候其实就是我想你了

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All the stories between the eyebrows, not deep feeling is live up to.


When I have no logic to tell you a lot of nonsense is actually I miss you.


All who live together are reunited in the end.

错过了会很可惜 ”

It would be a shame to miss it."


After a long and tortuous road of development, the heart of spring water is very pure.


You are where you think and where you look.


I must live one minute longer than you, so that when you are gone, I can hold your hand as we always do when we sleep.


Men are like clothes and sisters are like brothers and sisters. Who takes off my clothes, I cut off her brothers and sisters.


I used to feel that people who rely on relationships must be very incompetent. After contact, I found that people are better than me in everything.


Passionate love never lasts long.

离别使爱情热烈,相逢则使它牢固。——托· 富勒

Absence makes love warm, meeting makes it strong.-- Tor Fuller


I thought if I saw you once before school started, I wouldn"t miss you when I got there.

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