
英语 no more than 和 not more than 的区别


1 no more than:这个词组的意思是仅仅;只,相当于only

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英语中,no more than 和 not more than 是两个非常相近的词组,在实际应用中常会弄混淆,今天我们一起来学习一下它们的用法区别。

1. no more than:这个词组的意思是“仅仅;只”,相当于only。

例句1:The restaurant was no more than a fast-food cafe.


例句2:The new blog may turn out to be no more than a clever public-relations stunt.


例句3:The talk is no more than a platitude.


2. not more than:这个词组的意思是“至多”,相当于 at most。通常与数量相关。

例句4:Mary has not more than three hats.


例句5:There were not more than 50 students in the classroom.


例句6:The subject name is not more than 20 characters in length.


由以上例句可以看出,no more than 是一个不与数量有直接关系的词组,较为抽象;而not more than 是要用数量来衡量的,所以,它们的用法区别较大,请大家注意。


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