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I remember your hands were warm and you said you loved me. It"s taken us so long to get back here. You"re quickly moving on to a new relationship. We broke the sweet vows we held together. The original time let us lose each other at the same time, we also learned to gradually forget. Love and porridge, but it is a self-reliant persistence. But I love you for my life past.


Many years later, when I think of you, I feel sorry, but I also feel happy.


The older you get, the more you realize that there is something very good in the world that you can"t have.


Some people, the past can not be re - started. Time diluted the old, but left a more poetic feeling than the original.


You know what"s sadder than sadness? It is empty joy.


You always know all my weaknesses, you gave me all, but it was nothing.


You are the sunset, you are the cloud hidden, you are the mountain habitat, you are the forest mian, and I live in the night never see the sun, never see the clouds, nor the mountains.


The moon fell, even the stars shed tears, but I read you to sleep.


Obviously porridge is you, but pretend to be innocuous open you with others joke.





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