
抚慰自己伤感文案 痛心自己 无奈


What it feels like to be really disappointed with someone: I dont want you to know what happened to me, I dont want to

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What it feels like to be really disappointed with someone: I don"t want you to know what happened to me, I don"t want to know anything about you.


If you put a hundred hearts, I will not tangle, I will not be infatuated, I will not be hysterical, I will not be lazy, I will go back to the bridge with you, back to the road.


Obviously, I have a lot of ideas, but I don"t want anyone to say them, but I"m afraid no one will understand.


Sometimes wronged, originally do not want to cry, but others ask you how can not help but cry.


The beginning of the story is always like this, when it happens, it is caught off guard, and the end of the story is always like this, two flowers, the sky is different.


Some people, forget, forget it. In my opinion, never forget the call is love. In each other"s eyes, it"s a nuisance. In the eyes of others, it is cheap.


He can"t see you drunk, he can"t see you cry at night, don"t be silly, none of you love dearly, really useless.


I still love you, and THERE"s nothing I can do about it, and I really like you, but it seems like this is as far as we can go.


Whenever you feel like criticizing someone, remember that not everyone in this world has the advantages that you have.

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