
带着忧伤的情感文案 充满活力 爱永存心!


You never tell me what you mean I cant risk it 永远不要怪别人不帮你,也永远别怪他人不关心你

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Even the moments when I tried so hard to be nice to him seemed so boring


Don"t always ask is right and wrong, also don"t ask is sad is happy, people always have the heart tired, cry also funny or no one to know you is good?


Enjoy the temporary peace of the heart tired, let"s rest?Turn oneself into that insignificant dust grain, float on the past, after landing to enjoy that brief calm!


You never tell me what you mean. I can"t risk it.


Never blame others for not helping you, and never blame others for not caring about you.Living in the world, we are all independent individuals, pain and suffering have to bear their own.No one really understands you, and he"ll never know how much it hurts until a rock falls on his foot.


Time, and what is worthy of trust, no quarrel no smoke, all secretly contest of the outcome, win or lose is a sad.


At that moment, I seem to hear the sound of the collapse of the world.


Strangers flowers bloom and fall, the world of mortals gather and scatter, the original is common.Light was taken away at that time like smoke past events, memory is clear however far beauty, collect the past that drift away, be immersed in the spring flower autumn moon of old time in, the tender feelings in the heart of that hand, be received into the depth of memory, jun engrave a paragraph of tender and beautiful epitaph.


I forget which year which month which day I carved a face on the wall a sad smile staring at my face, we smiled and said we stay in the original place of time, in fact, has long been silent flood swept away.


Three people"s friendship, two people"s carnival, one person"s loneliness.


Once I asked a person: if I have insomnia, then the whole world will follow insomnia?At least I will."She answered innocently.If so, how could she know when I was losing sleep and waking up again?Given a choice, I"d rather stay awake.Or, sleep all the time.Waking up and sleeping, sleeping and waking up, too tired.


You do not move, I do not move, the two gradually walk farther and farther.


Still waiting for you to say good night to me, but let expectations become lost.


You go, with all my love to go, just a break up.I endure the tears looking at your back, really want to finally hold you once, really want to say to you once "I love you".

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