
雅思口语Part 1 用这9条方法回答 想不拿高分都难!



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1、 一般到具体

先说总体上的状况或观点,问自己what, where, who, when,再说一个或两个细节

相关词汇:in general, overall,one thing, in particular, particularly


Do you like your country?

Of course! I love my country. One thing I like about it in particular is the countryside. The wilderness areas in Romania are very special to me and I love to go hiking there.

What is the transport like in your town?

It’s not too bad overall. It’s fairly easy to get from one place to another. One form of transport that is particularly good is the tram service – it’s very regular and quick. The bus service is also pretty good but you can often get caught up in traffic.


这种技巧很适合“do you like”的句型以及和“opinion”相关的问题,只需要问自己“why”



Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants?

I prefer home-cooked food becaue I think it"s healthier and you know exactly what you"re eating

Do you like parks?

Yes, I like parks because they are great places to relax. I think all cities need green areas.

Do you ever write letters by hand?

No, I don"t write letters by hand because it"s so much easier to send an email that will arrive immediately.



相关词汇:for example, for instance, such as, like, including


Do you think your home town is a good place for young people?

Yes, my home town has lots of things for young people, (such as sports, music, and cinemas). (For example) They can watch a football match, go to one of the free museums, or even go indoor skiing.

Do you like reading?

Yes, I like reading a lot. I read all sorts of things, including novels, newspapers, magazines, and online articles.

Do any numbers have special meaning in your country?

Yes, some numbers do have special meanings in my country. For example, the number 6, is supposed to be a lucky number.





Do you like the people you work with?

Yes, I do like them very much-we enjoy each other"s company and are good friends. So we actually spend a good deal of time with each other out of word and not just in the office.

How do you study your subject?

It"s a quite complex subject and I need to study in different ways. So I tend to make a schedule of what I need to do at the beginning of the week and decide how I am going to study that week.

Do you like your home town?

Yes, I like my home town, which is an area of outstanding natural beauty. So I intend to live there for a long time.



相关词汇:but, it depends on the situation,it depends


Do you prefer to speak to people by phone or by writting emails?

It depends on the situation. I use emails and text messages to communicate with my friends, but I prefer to phone my parents.

Do you prefer to buy things in physical stores or online?

I atcually prefer to shop online these days because it"s cheaper, butsometimes I still like going out shopping with my friends.

Do you like walking?

I"m not one for going on really long walks in the countryside, but I don"t mind walking when I"m in a town or city, for example when I"m sightseeing in a new place.



相关词汇:but, in contrast, in comperison, rather than


Do you like studying English?

Yes, I enjoy studying English. But my real aim is to do a graduate degree and find a better job.

Do you work or are you a student?

I"m a student majored in marketing, but at the moment I"m studying English.

When was the last time you travelled abroad?

The last time was in 2010 when I went to Japan. I quite enjoyed it. But what I’m really looking forward to is my trip to Korea next year.

Do you enjoy your job?

I do quite enjoy it yes. But I must say that I enjoyed where I was working before much more – the job was demanding but much more stimulating.



相关词汇:yes and no, I don"t know, I"m not sure, but, I have no idea


Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future?

I"m afraid I have no idea because I don"t follow what"s happening in the dancing world. (But) I suppose it will always be popular with some people.

Do young people like to read newspapers in your country?

Yes and no. Some of my friends are avid newspaper readers and read then online all the time. But I’m not sure that’s true for everyone – there are all sorts of different people. I guess some do and some don’t.




Do you think walking is important?

Yes, I think it"s important to be active, and walking is the most basic physical activity that we can do.

Is shopping a popular activity in your country?

Yes, it"s very popular. Saturday is the busiest shopping day, and lots of people treat shopping as a kind of leisure activity, rather than something practical.


一些问题,特别是和喜好相关的问题,会有when, how ofter, where等词的问题。这时候就可以想一想,exactly when/where/what,来填充自己的答案。

相关词汇:when, where, often


When do you listen to music?

I mostly listen to music in the evenings. When I get home from work I turn on my music system and listen to music while I"m preparing the evening meal.

When do people give flowers in your country?

People give flowers on special occasions like birthdays or on Valentine"s Day. In my country, giving flowers is seen as romantic.


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