
朋友圈现实的句子说说 句句透彻心扉 百读不厌!



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I really want to thank that barren age, our play is a group of small broken children playing together, piling up sand sculptures, flying kites or catching dragonflies, unlike today, all the children are alone in a cold computer, hurt each other with the closest people, and talk to strangers who have never known each other. Their loneliness is overwhelming.

二、人性有一个弱点,你越在意什么,什么就越折磨你。当你不再畏手畏脚,当你鼓起勇气,下定决心忠于自己,每一天都将是最好的状态。大多数时候,消耗你能量的都不是工作,而是工作中遇到的各种各样人。干活本身是不累的,平衡情绪最累。human nature has a weakness, the more you care about what, the more you torture. When you stop being afraid of your hands and feet, when you summon up courage and make up your mind to be loyal to yourself, every day will be the best. Most of the time, it"s not work that consumes your energy, it"s all kinds of people you meet at work. Work itself is not tired, balancing emotions is the most tired.

三、谁曾从谁的青春里走过,留下了笑靥,谁曾在谁的花季里停留,温暖了想念,谁又从谁的雨季里消失,泛滥了眼泪。生活从来不会招招手说,“小子过来我们讲讲道理”,生活只会一个大嘴巴把你打在地上后说,“傻子,学着点。”who has passed through from whose youth, left a smile, who has stayed in whose flower season, warm miss, who has disappeared from whose rainy season, flooded with tears. Life never beckons and says, "Come on, boys, let"s talk about reason." Life just beats you on the ground with a big mouth and says, "Fool, learn something."

四、别让懒惰限制了你的想象力,无论你是几岁,也无论你目前所处的境况有多糟,只要你踏踏实实地一步一步往前走,人生随时都有翻盘的可能性。你不想输,就别懒,更不要抱怨路途太遥远。don"t let laziness limit your imagination. No matter how old you are or how bad your situation is, life can turn upside down at any time as long as you go step by step. If you don"t want to lose, don"t be lazy, let alone complain about the distance.

五、如果一个人真正的是值得大家去称赞,就根本没有必要去自大,否则就是浅薄了。吹牛,自负等等,这些实际上都是对未能成功或者彻底失败心态的一种掩饰。相反,谦恭表现了一个人对成功的信心。if a person is really worthy of praise, there is no need to arrogant, otherwise it is shallow. Boasting, conceit and so on are actually a cover-up for the mentality of failure or complete failure. On the contrary, humility shows a person"s confidence in success.

六、骆驼不会哭,因为它知道水的珍贵。我也是不会哭的,因为我知道那爱的虚伪。一直奢望,能和你在同一个城市。从前,现在,将来,一直这样奢望着。即便渺无音讯,同在一个城市,总是有擦肩的几率在存在着。会是有某日,隔着熙熙人流,穿透遥遥时空,终于相望,定格,无言。camels don"t cry because they know the value of water. I will not cry, because I know the hypocrisy of love. Has been expecting to be in the same city as you. In the past, now and in the future, I have been looking forward to it. Even if there is no news, in the same city, there is always a chance of rubbing shoulders. There will be a day, across the stream of Xixi people, through the remote space and time, finally look at each other, fixed frame, speechless.

七、从另一个角度来说 你永远也看不见我。不要打听别人的私事,也不用主动对别人讲自己的私事。on the other hand, you"ll never see me. Don"t pry into other people"s private affairs, and don"t take the initiative to tell others about their own private affairs.


originally separated you because you were young and knowledgeable, and always felt that there would be more and better options ahead. Later, I did meet many better people, but I always felt that there was something missing. Actually, what you want is never a better person, just a playful heart, let the demand be more than love.

九、道理知道,未必懂。懂,未必领悟,领悟,也可以继续装糊涂。很多满口大道理的人,都在堂而皇之的违逆自己上一秒的誓言。神圣的外表下,装着多肮脏的灵魂。珍爱生命,远离这些似兽非人。Reason knows, not necessarily understand. Understand, may not necessarily comprehend, comprehend, can also continue to act confused. A lot of people who are full of great truths are magnificently violating their last seconds"vows. What a dirty soul lies beneath the sacred exterior. Cherish life and stay away from animals and non-human beings.


life on the road, we are running, we are always catching up with some people, but also always be surpassed by some people. The main meaning of life is to appreciate the scenery along the way, and to reach the distant end; the secret of life is to find a speed that suits you best, not to be overwhelmed by illness, not to waste your life because of delay; the joy of life, to walk your own way, to see your own scenery, to surpass others"unpleasantness, and to surpass others" ambition. Only people with similar rhythms, habits and hobbies in

十二、我是羡慕的,一个在外人面前冷漠绅士的男人,遇到喜欢的人也会像少年一样害羞不已,也会故意装可怜的吸引女朋友的注意,生病难受时也像个孩子一样卖惨,他所有表现的幼稚全都因为你是他喜欢的人。is my envy. A man who is indifferent and gentle in front of outsiders will be as shy as a teenager when he meets someone he likes. He will deliberately pretend to be poor and attract the attention of his girlfriend. When he is ill, he sells like a child. All his childishness is because you are the person he likes.

十三、人生因简单更快乐,生活因平安更祥和;简简单单做人,平平安安到老。少一点复杂,简单一些,多一份健康,平安一生。爱上一个人的时候,我们都曾想过要有一个好的结果,可并不是所有的爱情都能如愿以偿的走到终点,我们都会有无能为力的时候。life is simpler and happier, life is more peaceful and peaceful because of peace; simple life, peaceful to old. Less complex, simpler, more healthy, safe life. When we fall in love with a person, we have all thought about having a good result, but not all love can reach the end as expected, we will have helpless time.

十四、曾经我是一个任性的孩子,任性的以为你只属于我,我只属于你。谢谢你告诉我,这个世界上谁都不是谁的,我们终究只会,属于我们自己。你的承诺,像一把锁,困我三世因果。爱恨交错,谁能逃脱,守你一世花落。used to be a wayward child, wayward thinking that you only belong to me, I only belong to you. Thank you for telling me that nobody in the world is anybody. We will only, after all, belong to ourselves. Your promise, like a lock, traps me for three generations. If love and hate are intertwined, who can escape and keep your flowers for a lifetime?

十五、邂逅总是突如其来,而分离多是酝酿已久。突然闯入的,要学会接纳;突然离开的,要学会接受。是你的,坦然处之;不是你的,淡然忘之。其实每个人都有梦想,只是家长里短,柴米油盐,让他们不得不放弃。所以,不要去瞧不起放弃梦想的人,每家都有每家的难处,只是你不懂。encounters are always unexpected, and separation has been brewing for a long time. If you break in suddenly, you should learn to accept; if you leave suddenly, you should learn to accept. It"s yours, take it easy; it"s not yours, forget it. In fact, everyone has a dream, but parents are short, firewood, rice, oil and salt, so that they have to give up. So don"t look down upon those who give up their dreams. Every family has its own difficulties, but you don"t understand them.

十六、每一个清晨,记得鼓励自己,没有奇迹,只有你努力的轨迹;没有运气,只有你坚持的勇气!每一份坚持都是成功的积累,只要相信自己,总会遇到惊喜。every morning, remember to encourage yourself, no miracle, only the track of your efforts; no luck, only your courage to persevere! Every persistence is a successful accumulation, as long as you believe in yourself, there will always be surprises.

十七、让自己过得简单点,不要计较那些名和利,不要总去触摸那些烦心事。人世间有千红万紫,唯独你是我情之所钟。Make your life simple. Don"t worry about fame and fortune. Don"t always touch those worries. There are many colors in the world, only you are my favorite.

十八、人生就像一道多项选择题,困扰你的,往往是众多的选项,而不是题目本身。你今天的努力,是幸运的伏笔,当下的付出,是明日的花开。让我们怀揣希望去努力,静待美好的出现。早安!life is like a multiple choice question. It"s often many choices that bother you, not the topic itself. Your efforts today are the foreshadowing of luck, and the present effort is the blossom of tomorrow. Let"s work hard with hope and wait for good things to happen. Good morning!

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