
让人忍不住怀念的小短句 简单美好 美好的向往


Just because someone doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they have 心累;用沉默代替一切

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Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have.


Heart tired; Replace everything with silence. I won"t ask, I won"t mention. Sadness; If you feel heartache, you will continue to walk alone and replace everything with silence. I can"t cry or laugh; Disappear when you are tired. I know, every road is so difficult. I know my road is doomed to be bumpy. I know, I can"t force anyone.


I have ten thousand reasons to want to see you, but one reason is missing.


Remember the feeling of your hug, the short memory, sometimes like fireworks, it changes when you say it, and disappears in the next second.


The happiness on your face can be seen by others, and the pain in your heart can be felt by everyone.


I can"t let anyone feel sorry for me. I can only learn cruelty by myself.


A little humble love is doomed to no happy ending.


Salt destined to melt may be crying.


Why do you always have so many excuses? Why do I believe everything you say?


Time can tell a person many unexpected things, just like the indifference of family members and the ruthlessness of friends.

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