
人工翻译与机器翻译的区别 一篇文章带你了解



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After watching this movie. I feel it deeply. The smallness of life in front of death. Even if someone can foresee the danger every time, the power of one person cannot defeat the god of death. In fact, movies are movies after all. Their deaths are all natural disasters. Death never appeared from beginning to end. Under the arrangement of the god of death, you have to die. But is our own destiny really called death? When everyone learned that their life had been targeted by death, everyone felt fear. That kind of fear is inevitable, after all, you know that you are going to die. Isn"t this scary? However, only the protagonists know that their destiny can never be arranged by the god of death. They will fight, although the final outcome cannot be changed. But that can show that we humans are not afraid of your death. Death is only a form. He cannot change the beliefs deep in the human heart. Although it is a horror movie. I know. There is only a fine line between survival and death. When you are caught by death, he tells you that death is your end. And what we said to the god of death is. You are wrong, self-righteous god. Death is not our end. We have won by breaking your plan. As for our end point, this should be decided by ourselves.


After watching this movie, I deeply felt the insignificance of life in front of death. Even if someone can predict the danger every time, one"s fighting alone cannot defeat death. In fact, movies just movies after all, in which deaths were all caused by natural disasters. Death never appeared from the beginning to the end. Under the arrangement of Death, you have to die. However, is our own destiny really determined by Death? When everyone learned that they were facing death, they would feel scared. That kind of fear was inevitable. After all, you know you are going to die. Isn"t it terrible? However, only the protagonists know that their fate should not be arranged by Death. They wanted to fight, although the final destiny could not be changed. This shows that we human beings are not afraid of Death. Death is just a form, which cannot change the belief in the heart of mankind. Although it is a horror movie, I know that there is only one step from life to death. When you are facing death, it tells you that death is your destiny. Nevertheless, what we said to Death is, "You are wrong and self-righteous". Death is not our destiny. Breaking your plan, we"ve won. As for our destiny, it should be determined by ourselves.

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