
见解独到的人生感悟说说 句句现实又深刻 深有感悟!



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Learn to dance according to the wind on windy days and hold an umbrella for yourself when it rains. Life is expected to wear the expectation of autumn, but also some unexpected joy. Growth is the process of trying and gaining wisdom. We can never guess at which intersection life will give you a barrier, nor at which stage it will give you a shore.

二、这个世界不存在高贵和平庸,任何时候不放弃对生活的乐观,就是一种生活的力量,坚持那份对生活的希望和友好,那么乐观就成为一种生活的方向,一天天的过下去,是生活的经历,也是生活的一种大智若愚。There is no nobility and mediocrity in this world. Not giving up optimism about life at any time is a force of life. Adhering to the hope and friendliness of life, optimism becomes a direction of life. To live day by day is the experience of life and a wisdom of life.

三、请相信,青春的可贵并不是因为那些年轻时光,而是那颗盈满了勇敢和热情的心。我们每走一步,都是一个新的起点,这一个个起点连接成我们一生的轨迹。不要害怕开始,经历了起步时的艰难,定能产生飞跃的蜕变!Please believe that youth is not precious because of those young days, but because of the heart full of courage and enthusiasm. Every step we take is a new starting point, which connects the trajectory of our life. Don"t be afraid to start. You will surely make a leap through the difficulties of starting.

四、和聪明的人交流,和靠谱的人恋爱,和积极的人共事,和幽默的人随行。人生若是如此,足矣。当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。Communicate with smart people, fall in love with reliable people, work with positive people, and go with humorous people. If that"s the case in life, that"s enough. Don"t give up flying when you can fly. When you can dream, don"t give up. When you can love, don"t give up love.

五、有些感情纠缠久了,到后来你已经分不清楚,到底你是要爱,还是要赢。拥有时不懂得珍惜,失去了方觉可贵。几乎每一个人都曾有过这样的感觉。其实,是我们那颗患得患失的心在左右着我们,只要把心态放平,把事看淡,人生无限美好。Some feelings have been entangled for a long time, and later you can"t tell whether you want to love or win. When you have it, you don"t know how to cherish it, and you lose it. Almost everyone has felt that way. In fact, it is our heart of gain and loss that controls us. As long as we calm down our mind and take things lightly, life is infinitely beautiful.

六、不要轻言你是在为谁付出和牺牲,其实所有的付出和牺牲最终的受益人都是自己。人生是一场与任何人无关的独自的修行,这是一条悲欣交集的道路,路的尽头一定有礼物,就看你配不配得到。Don"t mention who you are paying and sacrificing for. In fact, all the ultimate beneficiaries of paying and sacrificing are themselves. Life is an independent practice that has nothing to do with anyone. It is a road of intersection of sorrow and happiness. There must be gifts at the end of the road, depending on whether you deserve them or not.

七、执着的人,往往未必能为自己做出最有利的事情和选择,但偏偏就是因为执着,又会觉得另有所得!人生一世,最长不过三万天,没必要在一些没有意义的事上死缠烂打,最后结果也只能落个一无所有。Persistent people may not always be able to make the most favorable things and choices for themselves, but biased is because of persistence, and will feel that there are other gains! Life is a lifetime, the longest is only 30,000 days, there is no need to wrestle with meaningless things, the final result can only be nothing.

八、风雨人生路,成功也好,失败也罢,所有的事情都来得很自然。人生的春夏秋冬,生命的起承转合,就像花开花谢,就像日出日落,一路走来,一路走过,酸甜苦辣都是歌。Everything comes naturally, whether it"s success or failure. Spring, summer, autumn and winter of life, the beginning and transition of life, like flowers blossom and fade, like sunrise and sunset, all the way, all the way through, sweet and bitter are songs.

九、生命中,有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。如果你投资的是自己,那么在剩下的几十年里,你会很顺利的收获真正属于你的爱情,只有当自己处于一个最好的状态,才会有一个最好的人来爱你。In life, some people, once they meet, will see for thousands of years; some heartbeat, once started, it will be difficult to recover. If you invest in yourself, then in the remaining decades, you will have a very smooth harvest of true love belongs to you, only when you are in the best state, will there be a best person to love you.

十、不必问别人你能做什么,除了你自己,没有人知道。也不必问别人你到底该做什么,除了行动,没有任何解答。路,越走越宽,心,越战越强;退一步,海阔天空,宽一人,心平气和;生活再忙,宽心就好,日子再淡,平和就好;宽人宽己心量宽,宽事宽物天地宽;身安不如心安,屋宽不如心宽;心宽,让生活亮起来,心静,让人生好起来!Don"t ask others what you can do, nobody knows except yourself. You don"t have to ask people what you should do, there"s no answer except action. The wider the road, the wider the heart, the stronger the Vietnam War; step back, the wider the sea and sky, the wider one person, the calmer; busier life, the more relaxed, the lighter the day, the better peace; the more relaxed people are, the more generous the world is; the more comfortable they are, the more relaxed the house is, the more relaxed they are; the more relaxed they are, the brighter the life is, the calmer they are, the better their life is!

十一、单身并不是因为一个人有多差劲,而是我们都在等,等那个对的人出现。哪怕时间久一点,只要那个人能出现,等待又有什么关系呢?有些时候,有些事,明明不喜欢,但还是要去做,为了自己也好,为了别人也罢,对也好,错也罢……Being single is not because of how bad a person is, but because we are all waiting for the right person to appear. Even if it lasts a little longer, what does it matter to wait as long as that person appears? Sometimes, some things, clearly do not like, but still to do, for their own sake, for others, right or wrong.

十二、一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目标,一切笔直都是骗人的,所有真理都是弯曲的,时间本身就是一个圆圈。安详的今天,我不会为此感到幸运,因为我随时等待着命运的刁难,再次出击,就像当初安详得时候一样波澜不惊。All good things are tortuously close to their goals, all straightness is deceptive, all truth is curved, time itself is a circle. Today, I will not feel lucky for this, because I am always waiting for the difficulties of fate to attack again, just like when it was quiet.

十三、曾经的梦碎一地,捡起,努力拼凑,然后又碎,再捡起拼凑,直到有一天,再也拼凑不来。女人最美的样子,就是独立。心里的欲望自己买得起,美好的爱情自己配得上,自己得来的东西,才有底气,才无愧于心!Once the dream was broken, picked up, and tried to piece together, and then broken, and then picked up and put together, until one day, no longer put together. The most beautiful appearance of a woman is independence. The desire in the heart can be afforded by oneself, the good love can be matched by oneself, the thing that oneself get, only then have the courage, just be worthy of one"s heart!

十四、其实让人焦虑的,不是忙也不是累。而是没有什么特别感兴趣的东西,也没有什么特别想爱的人,明知道自己该努力了,却又不知道该往哪里用力。In fact, it is not busy or tired that makes people anxious. But there is nothing particularly interesting, and there is no special person who wants to love. He knows he should work hard, but he doesn"t know where to work hard.

十五、 当你眼前一片漆黑,不要害怕。因为你就是那个发光体!如果你不是足够伟大,那就别拒绝平凡的工作;如果你不是足够幸福,那就别瞧不起平凡的快乐。When your eyes are dark, don"t be afraid. Because you"re the glow! If you are not great enough, don"t refuse ordinary work; if you are not happy enough, don"t despise ordinary happiness.

十六、我可以接受失败,但绝对不能接受未曾奋斗过的自己。人生就是一条坎坷曲折的路,即使不断的跌倒,也一定要爬起来,坚持自己的梦想。记住,这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。I can accept failure, but I can never accept myself who has never struggled. Life is a bumpy and tortuous road, even if you fall constantly, you must get up and stick to your dreams. Remember, if you don"t give up one second, there will be hope in the next.

十七、懂一个人,错过一段情,多少温柔的慈悲,善良一个人的心情,爱情是一种惋惜,也是一种泪滴,无奈的缘,伤害自己的心房。Understand a person, miss a period of love, how much tender compassion, a kind person"s mood, love is a kind of regret, but also a kind of teardrop, helpless fate, hurt their own atrium.

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