
it never rains but it pours英语怎么说?


管它将来有没有机会用,至少现在能用,而且,你从此见到英语it never rains but it pours,你首先说的不是中文,而是它的英语

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把英语it never rains but it pours说成英语



你真的只是想知道英语Idiom it never rains but it pours的中文意思是什么而已吗?你真的以为你学会了这句有中文解释的英语将来会有机会“用”上吗?


我希望你也是把英语学来“用”的,即通过学英语it never rains but it pours,你有机会现在就“用”英语,把学过的英语“用”起来。管它将来有没有机会用,至少现在能“用”,而且,你从此见到英语it never rains but it pours,你首先说的不是中文,而是它的英语。

跟我一起“用”英语it never rains but it pours“说”英语:

1. Okay.I got you.It never rains but it pours is an English ifiom.

2. Okay.Got you.When people say it never rains but it pours,they mean that when one bad thing happens, other bad things will often happen,or follow,too and make the situation worse.


3.Okay.Got you.When people say it never rains but it pours,they mean that when one trouble comes, more troubles will often come,or follow,too.

For example.

1.It never rains but it pours,their team not only lost the game but three of its best players were injured,too.

2. It was an interesting year — Danny lost his job, I was off sick for three months and Josh broke his leg. It never rains but it pours, as they say!


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