
舒缓创伤的绝美文案 个性又高级 值得收藏


Loneliness is a persons carnival Carnival is the loneliness of a group of people 孤独是一个人的狂欢。狂欢是一群人的孤独。If you

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Loneliness is a person"s carnival. Carnival is the loneliness of a group of people.


If you don"t want to do it, you will find an excuse; If you want to do it, you will find a way.


Time is the best medicine to cure mental pain. Pain, need to rely on ourselves to slowly resolve. Memories of love, injury and pain will fade out of our lives as time goes by. When there is nothing we can do about pain, the only thing we can do is to wait for the pain to go away slowly. Forget the deep-rooted pain, forget the heart-wrenching feelings, and you will meet happiness at the corner.


Those who are not together in the end are excuses for saying more, and the only reason is that they don"t love enough.


The feeling of meeting a soul mate is like walking into a house where you once lived. You know the furniture, the pictures on the wall, the books on the shelf and the things in the drawers.


I changed 10086 to your name, and I can receive your text messages every day. Lying to yourself, you still care about me.


Life is endless and lonely. Loneliness is the theme of love forever. My shadow and I are alone. It says that it has a whisper to tell me. It says that it misses you very much. It turns out that both my shadow and I miss you.


Suddenly, I feel like a gorgeous puppet, playing all the joys and sorrows, but there are always countless shiny silver silk threads on my back, even if my hands are raised.


No heart ached, no longer reluctant, only, silence apart,


Meeting gave me a great sense of heartbreak. I hoped that a happy man was unhappy, but learned to smoke. The dense smoke wrapped around his heart. I don"t know whether it was sad or happy.


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