
浓情伤感的情绪文案 满是情怀 满是柔情



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Each of us lives in our own past. People will spend a minute getting to know someone, an hour liking someone, another day falling in love with someone, and finally, they will spend their whole life forgetting someone.


Love is called for the occasional grievance of the person you like. But if you have to endure this injustice all the time, it"s not called love, it"s called being mean!


The coolness of autumn warms the pain in my heart. Living alone, a faint fragrance, a life without brilliance. I miraculously lived like quicksand in an hourglass that was forged to death. What is this harmless disease?


It is another person who is worried about me. You shed tears because of him.


Just having your love won"t hurt my heart a bit.


My Taboo I remember showing off to others, but now you are my taboo.


The hands on the keyboard are shaking all the time. You never know the tears dripping from the keyboard.


Going together is fate, and going together is happiness.


Don"t forget what you once had. You should cherish what you can"t get. Don"t give up what belongs to you. Lost things for memory.


If God wants to destroy a person, he will be crazy, but I have been crazy for so long. Why didn"t God destroy me?

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