

时间:2018-07-25 03:58:07




旅游区,Tourism Area

1)Tourism Area旅游区

1.Study on A Measure of Protecting Ecology and Environment—Sanzhou-tianTourism Area As an Example;生态环境保育对策研究——以三洲田旅游区为例

2.The sustainable development of tourism area will not be achieved if the tourism area attaches importance only to the carrying capacity of tourism environment without considering the change of tourism flow.旅游区单纯的考虑旅游环境承载力这一供给方面的因素,而不结合客流方面的发展变化,是不能达到旅游区可持续发展的。

3.This essay will utilize "Commensalism Theory",by analyzing its applicability in the sustainable development of tourism areas,to build up an afterward .通过分析"共生理论"在旅游区可持续发展中的适用性,探析运用"共生理论"从结果入手建立事后评价的旅游区可持续发展评价体系,从而使"共生理论"在可持续发展评价领域发挥作用。


1.Regional Features of Tourist Resources and Tourist Divisions of Mianyang;绵阳旅游资源的区位特点及旅游区划

2.A Brief Discussion on Regional Tourism Division: An Example for Fujian Province;地方性旅游区划及福建旅游区划初探

3.The Research on the Leisure Travelling of Chaohu Lake Tour Area in Anhui Province;安徽环巢湖旅游区休闲旅游开发研究

4.Study on Tourism Environment Capacity of Different Sort of Tourist Zones;不同类型旅游区旅游环境容量的研究

5.The Advantages and the Disadvantages of the Tourism Industry in Northeastern China;东北旅游区旅游业发展的优劣势分析

6.Countermeasure of Development of Ecotourism in J-H Scenic Zone;大九寨国际旅游区生态旅游开发对策

7.Sports tourism development for tourist areas with underdeveloped economy;经济欠发达旅游区体育旅游开发研究

8.Ecotourist Resources and Its Districts in Luya Mountain;芦芽山生态旅游资源及生态旅游区划

9.The Spatial Setup and Location of Tourism;关于旅游空间格局与旅游区位的思考

10.The bouring area of Mountain Meng is one of China"s best bouring famous scenic spot for green health. It is also our country"s touring area of Grade AAA.蒙山旅游区是中国最佳绿色健身旅游胜地之一,国家AAA级旅游区.

11.The spatio-temporal evolution and characteristics analysis of tourist flow in eco-tourism area:A case study of Yancheng eco-tourism area for David s deer;生态旅游区旅游流的时空演变与特征——以盐城麋鹿生态旅游区为例

12.Preliminary Analysis of the Exploitation Pattern On Tourism of Folk Custom Zones--Taking Xincheng Tusi Tourism of Folk custom as an Example;民俗旅游区旅游资源浅析——忻城中华土司民俗旅游区开发研究之一

13.Analysis on the Tour District Characteristics of Mausoleum and Tomb Tourism Resource in Zhongshan Scenic Area钟山风景区陵墓旅游资源的旅游区位特性分析

14.The Research on Community Participative in Old Cummuist Revolutionary Area Tourism Development of Langya Mountain in Baoding City of China;红色旅游区社区参与旅游发展案例研究

15.Tourism Project: Development of tourist spots and tourist products, improvement of travel facilities and upgrade of tourist facilities.旅游项目:开发旅游景区和旅游产品,改善旅游交通和更新旅游设施。

16.Probing to Visitor Experience Management in Nature Tourist Attractions;自然旅游景区游客旅游体验管理初探

17.Regional tourism cooperation of tourism spots in Xinzhou municipal area;忻州市旅游景区区域旅游合作的思考

18.Regional Committee on Tourism in the Americas美洲区域旅游委员会(美洲旅游会)


tourist area旅游区

1.Discussion on strategic development of Zhongnanmountaintourist area;终南山旅游区的开发原则及管理模式

2.And the major problems of landscape resources in thetourist areas were analyzed,which included too much visitors of view areas,not reasonable exploitation,serious pollution,and seriously damaged landscape resources.介绍在旅游业迅速发展的时代景观资源的重要性,分析旅游区景观资源存在的问题,提出在旅游区规划前用SWOT理论对景观资源进行分析,并总结出对旅游区景观资源的保护对策,目的在于促进景观资源更好的可持续发展。

3.Taking Jiangxi as an example, significance of accelerating the study of the natural eco-restoration technique is analyzed attourist area.为适应旅游业发展形势 ,使旅游区的社会经济和生态环境能持续、稳定发展 ,有必要加快旅游区水土保持生态修复技术的研究。

3)tourism region旅游区

1.Context is the cultural theme and spirit of atourism region, which is also an inner part of destination image, and complements the physical image of atourism region.文脉是旅游区的文化主题和文化精神,是旅游区实体形象的文化补充,是旅游形象的内在文化精神。

2.Adopting relating concepts and methods of the behavioral geography,the authors analyze and measure the spatial structure and flow rules of tourists flow in the Xi antourism region in a case study.该文运用行为地理学相关概念和理论 ,采用实证分析和数理统计相结合的方法 ,对西安旅游区入境旅游流流动规律和空间结构进行了刻画和测度。

3.With the popularity of travelling and the development of tourism industry, the environmental capability oftourism region gradually becomes saturated and even overloaded.随着旅游活动的大力开展和旅游业的蓬勃发展 ,旅游区的环境容量日趋饱和甚至出现超载现象。

4)tourism district旅游区

1.On the base of analyzing the basal intension of circular economy,and the embodiment of the conception of circular economy in tourism,the article constructs a management system oftourism district based on circular economy.本文在分析了循环经济的基本内涵、循环经济理念在旅游业中的体现的基础上,构建了基于循环经济理念的旅游区管理体系。

2.The paper analyses the developmental conditions of Tongbai-dabie Mountainstourism district in Henan province.在分析河南省桐柏-大别山旅游区发展条件的基础上,提出了该区"红绿结合,跨区整合"、"政府主导,市场运作"、"加速升级,打造精品"的旅游发展战略和一些重要发展措施,确立了"一心、两带、四区"的旅游空间格局和"完善一个中心、力推三个组团、优先发展主轴、积极培育山前"的空间发展思路,旨在指导该区旅游业的科学有序发展。

3.The research on environmental quality and evaluation not only affords scientific basis for the argumentation of the features of the resources intourism districts;but also raises thetourism districts popularity;furthermore the tourism items design of tourism program bases on the environmental quality research and evaluation.旅游区环境质量调查与评价,不但可为旅游区资源特征的论证提供科学依据,也能提高旅游区知名度,更是旅游规划中旅游项目设计的依据。

5)tour area旅游区

1.Development feasibility oftour area in Yanji Huangcaogo and the benefit-cost analysis;开发延吉黄草沟旅游区的可行性和效益评析

2.The paper discusses the concepts oftour area and tourist of environmental friendly pattern,destination and scenic spot meanwhile it lists 47 sorts of environmental unfriendly behaviors.论述环境友好型旅游区、旅游目的地、风景名胜区、环境友好型旅游区的概念,列举了5大类47小类环境不友好行为,分析环境友好型旅游区与生态旅游区间的关系和区别以及环境友好型旅游者与生态旅游者间的关系、环境友好型旅游区的基本特征。

3.Tour area and core competition is the symbol reflecting the quality and potentiality of atour area.旅游区(点)(以下简称旅游区)是旅游业发展的重要支撑,核心竞争力是反映一个旅游区素质和发展潜能的重要标志。

6)tourist attraction旅游景区

1.Alarm System’s Digital Control of Tourist Attractions;旅游景区报警系统的数字化控制

2.A study on the problem and countermeasures of human resources development oftourist attraction——Take Taian City as an example旅游景区人力资源开发问题与对策——以泰安市为例

3.In recent years,natural disasters have caused enormous losses to manytourist attractions.总结了旅游景区自然灾害防治管理的现状和存在的问题,分析了近期自然灾害特征的变化,最后从预警、防范和救援这三方面对旅游景区自然灾害的防治管理进行了探索性研究,提出了旅游景区自然灾害防治管理体系的基本构架。



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