
管理学英语2Unit 2


Which department wants to recruit a secretary? 正确答案是:The Marketing Department What qualification does Melinda put as the

友情提示:本文共有 3127 个字,阅读大概需要 7 分钟。

Listening and Speaking1 边学边练

听一听Melinda和 George关于招聘秘书岗位基本要求的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。

Which department wants to recruit a secretary? 正确答案是:The Marketing Department.

What qualification does Melinda put as the first requirement for a good secretary? 正确答案是:Degree

George thinks the following skills should be taken into account for a good secretary EXCEPT _________.正确答案是:finance management skills

What does George think is the first impression people have of the company? 正确答案是:The secretary"s professional demeanor.

What will Melinda do after the conversation? 正确答案是:Prepare a recruitment advertisement.

Listening and Speaking 2边学边练

听一听Melinda和 George关于招聘秘书岗位基本要求的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。

Melinda is talking with Helen about selecting candidates for interview. Melinda: Helen, how many candidates have 回答 their résumés? Helen: There.re 20 altogether. Anything wrong? Melinda: Nothing. Today is the deadline for accepting applications. We have to 回答 the résumés and 回答 so that we can arrange interviews. Helen: Right. Can you 回答 me what we are looking for in applicants? Melinda: Sure. The qualifications include a degree, communication skills, computer skills and professional demeanor. Helen: I see. Let.s check the applications 回答 . I.ll review the first half and you check the second half. Melinda: OK. Helen: There.re five qualified résumés here in my pile. What did you get? Melinda: I.ve got five too. Helen: Good. Shall we 回答 the ten candidates to 回答 an interview? Melinda: Yes. You call to tell them 回答 to have the interviews. I.ll prepare for them. Helen: OK. Let.s do it

答案是:submitted,examine,make a shortlist,remind,one by one,inform,prepare for,when and where

Reading 1边学边练


Why does the writer say hiring the right employee is a challenging process for a company? 正确答案是:Because it can make or break a business.

How can an advertisement be more effective to attract most suited candidates? 正确答案是:It gives candidates a clear job description.

The“candidate profile” in Para. 4 may include the following EXCEPT__________.正确答案是:the most interesting pictures

What is true about the purpose of background checking? 正确答案是:It helps confirm information found in an employment application.

What"s the theme of the passage? 正确答案是:Hiring the right Employee.


job description job analysis

candidate profile background checking offer lette

正确答案是:job description → 岗位描述, job analysis → 职位分析, candidate profile → 求职者简况, background checking → 背景审核, offer letter → 录用通知函Reading 2边学边练

Reading 2边学边练


1. This passage tells applicants how to relieve tension in an interview.√

2. The author thinks you can"t be employed if you just get 85 in an interview.×

3. You will succeed in an interview only if you imagine success. ×

4. Taking a deep breath is an effective way to lower anxiety. √

5. Failure in this interview will win you another chance for a better job. ×


正确答案是:制定有效的对策 → develop effective countermeasures, 熟能生巧 → Practice makes perfect, 克制激发焦虑的思绪 → counter anxiety-provoking thoughts, 控制焦虑 → keep anxiety under control, 想象成功的画面 → visualize success, 降低焦虑程度 → lower levels of anxiety

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