
伤感又治愈的神仙文案 现实又无奈 暖心治愈


How can I explain to you that when I fall in love with you, my fear is endless 当你认为你的心被遗弃时,它会出乎意料地绽放

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How can I explain to you that when I fall in love with you, my fear is endless.


When you think your heart is abandoned, it will bloom unexpectedly. At that moment, all the desolation was in the past.


After many years, I will give you a long-lost hug. Will you push it away or embrace it warmly?


There is always a couple who are well-matched but can"t be together.


But one day, when the people you eat with can"t take care of your mood at all, can everyone have a good meal and have fun together?


When I see those hot pots with red oil, or when the spicy taste irritates the tip of my tongue, I will be surprised and happy, and all the bad emotions will be swept away.


Two people together, nothing is suitable or inappropriate. Only if they are willing or unwilling will they not work hard. If they have saved enough disappointment, they won"t want to continue. Inappropriate is the most common excuse I have ever seen, and it is also the most irresponsible excuse. When we met, it was very appropriate. When we broke up, we said it was inappropriate. Actually, it"s run-in period and then run away. Now I have learned to let nature take its course and don"t want to keep anything. I believe that what should be here will not go.


When you are alone, you can cook by yourself and make some soup. I think such people are really attractive, don"t they?


Then I think everyone is familiar with it and should like it.


There are many good boys in the world. You will meet someone who likes you and you will like him. So baby, don"t indulge love, don"t be stingy with love. Baby, be a smart woman, be a woman who can bear and let go, let the man who missed you regret missing you, and let the man who loves you love you more. Baby, tomorrow you will be a new you. Let"s look forward to and work hard together.

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