
可以治愈心灵的文字 治愈又美好 能解人心


My whole life, just to kiss you 想和你喝酒是假的,余生都醉在你心头却是真的

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My whole life, just to kiss you.


Want to drink with you is false, the rest of my life drunk in your heart is true.


Happiness said to me, you are too young.


I put up with everything, but in the end nothing can hold me.


If one day you are old and toothless, I will still kiss your toothless gums.


The original break up is, this person has no relationship with you, thousands of generations, the four seas eight waste, only you and me, no more we.


In my heart at any time only miss you, love you.


The original really because a person is afraid of a city, afraid of a building, afraid of a script, not to listen to that song.


We love each other and dating, like water yi people around my heart, happy life is more gorgeous, not to you this life, the sun and the moon zhao I really.

譬如旧梦 譬如岁月 譬如对一个人的感觉。

For example, old dreams for example, years for example, the feeling of a person.


Under the same sky, just think about it and feel very happy.


It is said that the first person to smile at you will be very friendly with you.

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