
超暖心的治愈系文案 懂你心意 触动心灵



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There is a feeling of helplessness that two people are reluctant to let go, but they can"t find a reason to continue to be together. When falling in love is no longer happy and getting along is as hard as being stoned, there is no choice but to separate, but there is no choice here.


You don"t understand my sadness, only your land.


Youth is an ignorant rush, which always leaves a wandering wound. How I wish there would be a sun tomorrow, burning my rotten dream.


"It"s very kind of you. More and more people will like you. What should I do? " "I like it."


If confession is a kind of harm, I choose lies. If lies hurt people, I choose silence.


A person always takes strange roads, looks at strange scenery and listens to strange songs. Then, in a casual moment, you will find that what you tried to forget is really forgotten.


Most of the time, men don"t love you enough, but they are not good at words and do not know how to express their love.


It"s late at night, and I"m still waiting on the sad shore, singing, whispering and turning around, but I can"t go far. I am still looking forward to the reversal of time, taking me and you to the Cape. Until dawn, the left bank is close at hand and the horizon is far away.


Maybe the cruelty of reality makes us vulnerable, and maybe the helplessness of life makes us cry. Maybe the change of the world makes us feel unacceptable, maybe it is not as beautiful as we thought!


If your scarred wings are still beyond the legend, please don"t break my fantasy, and don"t hurt my thin dream. The sound of washing clothes scattered on the riverbank and the sound of sailing on iron boats always make all the breath of life surge, deeply ravaging my eyes that I can"t leave for a long time.

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