
那些失落的感情文案 句句说进心里 叫醒无数人


I found a quiet window seat in the library There were no conspicuous facial features or amazing talents in the twilight o

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I found a quiet window seat in the library. There were no conspicuous facial features or amazing talents in the twilight outside.


In my life, I never thought that such an ordinary person would meet someone who loves me wholeheartedly and puts me in the same place as his dream.


In this ambiguous era, fast-food love, wine and meat lovers are everywhere


When accepting the boy"s confession, my most real thought is that I don"t think we can go far


However, he did his best to fulfill his boyfriend"s responsibility and love me to the extreme


In fact, he is very clumsy and lonely. He is cold around and has no friends. This is his first love. He is careful when holding hands.


He is in an unstable mood. He is always cold and hot to him. He has also been wronged. My insomnia is a normal phenomenon.


Last winter"s big night, he was afraid of disturbing his roommate to sleep. He called me on the balcony in thick cotton padded clothes to accompany me to three or four o"clock, which gave me a sense of security in different places


That day, I asked him, "what is your dream?"?


Maybe it"s because I"ve seen colorful disguises, so I cherish clumsy sincerity. I never feel that feelings are equal. Even if I meet each other, I won"t feel that I love each other.

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