
简简单单的一句话 懂你内心的伤痛 慰藉内心伤痛!


We gave each other real respect and freedom, but we never let go of each other 只有在你最落魄时,才会知道谁才是时刻担心你的笨蛋,谁是形同陌路的混蛋

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We gave each other real respect and freedom, but we never let go of each other.


Only when you are at your worst, you will know who is always worried about you idiot, who is a stranger bastard.

可惜我们没有熬到冬天 不然我们可以一起看雪的

Too bad we didn"t make it to winter or we could have watched the snow together


I do not know the depth of the sea of clouds.


You are mine, let us write only one true love in our life.


If you can hear me, will you come back and tell me if you still love me?


Lonely night, my mind has been in the picture between us, miss us once.


Go to bed early, be obedient, or you"ll die of sudden death.


Active for a long time will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash, silence for a long time will suffer, miss for a long time will cry.The result is such a mess.


For those who live, there is no tomorrow;Dead people don"t have it.

人是有多狼狈,才被觉得需要有同类。 ?

People are how embarrassed, just feel the need to have similar. ?


The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a glass of cold water and then condensing it into tears drop by drop.

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