
字字入心的伤感小句子 满怀遗憾 使人心动!


──白居易In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, on earth let us be twigs interlocked with branches ─ ─ bai juyi原谅我镇定自若百毒不侵,只因我身后空无一人

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In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, on earth let us be twigs interlocked with branches.─ ─ bai juyi


Forgive me for being so calm, for there is no one behind me.


If people are tempted, they will be sad.


Everyone"s heart, there are several unknown wounds, waiting for time to recover.


Can"t forget you, can"t leave you.


Don"t think too complicated things, hold too tight, things will break, hand pain.


No matter how lonely and vast those figures will always remember.


A book that remains shut is but a block.


I can"t, and never will, get tired of you.


"Wow, you have nice eyes." "Really?""But not as good as mine, because my eyes are full of you."


Leave tears to those who love you most, and smile to those who hurt you most.


I may be naturally bland, no particular likes things, except you.

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