
浓情伤感的情绪文案 高冷又文艺 满是幸福感



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How many disappointments and worries, even more sorrow hurts people. Those little joys were eroded by your departure, and then gradually numbed my soul.


Drunken nights make your heart sink, and you take bold and unrestrained blood. At this moment, you are also drunk, golden and dusty, flowing and flooding, diluting the past, squandering your face, and the fate will eventually pass.


About happiness or pain, I can only bury it in my heart, and no one is allowed to touch my scab.


There is only a glass between me and your world. Although everything about you is naked in front of me, I can see it clearly, but I can"t step into your world even half a step after all.


I believe that a beautiful life is an elegy without words, which overflows the loneliness in my heart and has already become ice, and you are the most beautiful note in this season.


Spending between hope and disappointment, between love and hate, between fanaticism and calmness, and between worship and confusion, you are my nemesis, and you dare not have a trace of conceit like others. I love you, dear.


When a story happens to others, it is a story; when it happens to yourself, it is fate. If you can forgive, you will forgive if you don"t say forgive. If you can"t forgive, you won"t forgive if you say forgive.


Feeling disappointed for the first time is like a hole in my heart. The more the results spread, the bigger. In the end, there is nothing left, and it will be over without feeling sad or heartbroken.


Affirm your gift. Without self, all happiness is a false illusion.


There are some things that we can abandon, but we can"t forget. It lies quietly in the depths of memory, and suddenly wakes up, breaking your heart, exciting, sighing, and then falling asleep.


One thing, a long time ago, one day, I met you.


For the people I love, there is too much despair, but there is no hope.


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