
2019朋友圈的说说心情短语 总有一段触动你心弦!



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一、 做有用的事,说勇敢的话,想美好的事,睡安稳的觉,把时间用在进步上,而不是抱怨上。愿你遇到这样的人,愿你成为这样的人。Do useful things, say brave words, think good things, sleep soundly, spend time on progress instead of complaining. May you meet such a person, and may you become such a person.

二、放弃是一种智慧,一种豪气,也是一种更深层面的进取。人生没有死胡同,就看你如何去寻找出路。思路就是出路。正视困境,不在困难面前退缩,才不会无路可走。成功,不仅是一种结果,更是一种不怕失败、在磨难中永不屈服的过程。Giving up is a kind of wisdom, a kind of heroism, and a kind of deeper progress. There is no dead end in life. It depends on how you find your way out. The way of thinking is the way out.

Face the predicament squarely, don"t flinch in front of the difficulty, just can"t have no way to go. Success is not only a result, but also a process of not fearing failure and never yielding to hardship.

三、红尘中炼心,世俗事修性。欢喜一帘幽梦,慈悲万丈红尘, 明月清风不用钱,自然逍遥度人生。人的使命就是是在尘世中获得幸福!Heart-training in the world, secular things. A curtain of joy and a deep dream, compassion and worldliness, the bright moon and the breeze do not need money, and naturally enjoy life at ease. Man"s mission is to achieve happiness in the world!

四、 喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远地看。当年那个词,今天这个心,才明白,一切浮云,只是弹指之间,所谓的未来,就是最好的今天,每一个珍惜,都是人生的一种感恩。Like the song, listen quietly, like the people, see from afar. That word of that year, today"s heart, only to understand that all clouds, just between the fingers, the so-called future, is the best today, every treasure, is a kind of gratitude for life.

五、昨、又忆故里月凄风高、一人独上西楼怎堪浊酒轻嘬、又上心头只见杨柳轻摆、溪水妄流今、思绪万千而立之年、满面愁容怎堪岁月蹉跎、一无所有只剩青丝白头、壮志未酬明、当奋勇直上日复一日、倾我所有博得你衣食无忧拙妻虽憨、却待我甚厚怎能言弃、如同禽兽我虽不才、也懂夫复何求。Yesterday, I recalled that the moonlight in my hometown was so bleak and windy that I could not go up to the West Tower alone, and I could only see willows swinging lightly, streams flowing wildly now, the year when I was thinking of thousands of things

how time was wasted, I had nothing left but white hair, ambition was not rewarded, I should go up bravely day after day and pour all I had to win you a careless wife, but how could I abandon it? Although I am not talented, I also know what my husband wants.

六、 所有人都只看见了我白天没心没肺,像个傻子整日傻乐。可谁曾知道,我有时也撕心裂肺像个疯子整夜泪流不已。好像你做的事都与我无关,可我还是那么的喜欢你。Everyone only saw that I was heartless and heartless during the day, like a fool all day. But who knows, sometimes I tear my heart and lungs like a madman weeping all night. It seems that everything you do has nothing to do with me, but I still like you so much.

七、也许,最长久的幸福,是来自平淡的日子;来自宁静的心境;来自平凡日子里点点滴滴的感悟。等繁华落尽终究是平淡。生活的美,不在于绚丽,而在于平和;爱情的美,不在于轰轰烈烈,而在于平凡的相守,温暖的陪伴。Perhaps the longest happiness comes from the dull days, from the tranquil mood, from the insights of the ordinary days. After all, the prosperity is dull. The beauty of life lies not in splendor, but in peace; the beauty of love lies not in vigorous, but in ordinary company and warmth.

八、或许,没人会真正的感同身受到你的痛楚,也没人会真正的去在意你一路走来所遇过的坎与负过的伤,所以别再为了寻求安慰而四处同人诉说你的苦,因为旁人只看结果,也只关心结果。成长本就是一个孤立无援的过程,你必须得学会独当一面。Perhaps, no one will really feel your pain, no one will really care about the hurdles and injuries you have encountered along the way, so stop telling others about your pain in order to seek comfort, because others only look at the results, but also care about the results. Growth is a process of isolation and helplessness. You have to learn to be alone.

九、曾经我认为:孤独是世界上只剩自己一个人。现在我认为:孤独就是自己居然就能成一个世界。虽然你脾气不好,成绩不好,气质不好,性格不好,长相不好,但你唯一值得骄傲的就是:胃口好!I used to think that loneliness is the only person left in the world. Now I think: loneliness is that you can become a world. Although you have a bad temper, bad grades, bad temperament, bad character and bad looks, the only thing you should be proud of is that you have a good appetite.

十、如果没有开始,就不会拥有那一段幸福的回忆,如果没有拥有过那段回忆,就不会在分开的时候陷在回忆里无法自拔,当初勇敢爱的自己,却没办法勇敢地放开。If there is no beginning, you will not have that happy memory. If you have not had that memory, you will not be trapped in the memories when you are apart. When you love yourself bravely, you will not be able to let go bravely.

十一、别人看到的是你的过去,你应该看到的是自己的潜力。有梦想就别怕质疑。What others see is your past. What you should see is your potential. Don"t be afraid to question your dreams.

十二、可是我们当中虽然有误解,却也没有人解释不是吗。这都算不了什么,但是距离远了就是远了,没有理由,也不用解释。你不想和我说的我就不问你了,也不会在别人的口中听你的故事,我已经错过一次了,不会再错第二次,第三次。很感谢你是我青春中曾经的向往。祝你开心。But although there are misunderstandings among us, no one explains them, right? It"s nothing, but a long distance is a long distance, no reason, no explanation. If you don"t want to talk to me, I won"t ask you or listen to your story in the mouth of others. I"ve missed once, and I won"t miss the second or the third time. Thank you very much for your yearning in my youth. Have a good time.

十三、人生,就像坐地铁,开始总是满满的,带着希望前行,每一站都有得失,但收获的总比失去的多。困难,就像隧道一开进去就不能调头,坚持下去,阳光就在前方。Life, like taking the subway, is always full at first, moving forward with hope, gains and losses at every stop, but the total harvest is more than the loss. Difficulties are like tunnels that can"t turn around once they are in. Keep going, and the sunshine is ahead.

十四、 当大部分人都在关注你飞得高不高时,只有少部分人关心你飞得累不累。年纪大一点就会发现,跟喜欢的人宅在一起好过一个人在外面浪来浪去。When most people are concerned about how high you fly, only a few are concerned about how tired you are. As you get older, you"ll find that it"s better to stay with someone you like than to wander around outside.

十五、我们总是会抱怨老天,给了自己一个普通的脸蛋,普通的身材,普通的脑袋,却从未此做出努力,就像我们常常挂在嘴边的减肥,却也仅仅是挂在嘴边。We always complain about God and give ourselves an ordinary face, body and head, but never make efforts to do so, just like we often talk about losing weight, but only talk about it.

十六、所以说不回你消息的人,你就当做从来没发过,而你等不到的人,也就全当做从来没爱过。我们不能把所有的时间和感情消耗在一个没那么喜欢自己的人身上,余生还很长,你终究会遇见那个能秒回你信息,同时又能给你足够的陪伴和关怀的人。So if you don"t return your message, you"ll think that you"ve never sent it, and if you can"t wait, you"ll think that you"ve never loved it. We can"t spend all our time and feelings on a person who doesn"t like us so much. The rest of life is still long. You will eventually meet the person who can return your information in seconds and at the same time give you enough companionship and care.

十七、你没有错,只是没有爱我很久,没有陪我到最后;我也没有错,因为累了所以只能放手。那么,如果一个人对你厌倦了,又会是怎么样的呢?You are not wrong, but did not love me for a long time, did not accompany me to the end; I am also not wrong, because tired so can only let go. So what happens if a person is tired of you?

十八、每个人都希望拥有幸福,却总和烦恼纠缠不休,甚至是攀比和猜测别人的生活方式,或者是追问别人的活法,却往往忽略了自己内心对生活的真实态度,生活总是丰富多彩的发生,但总是需要历练、反思、成长和沉淀,不埋怨,懂知足。Everyone wishes to have happiness, but always worries, even comparing and guessing other people"s way of life, or questioning other people"s way of life, but often ignores their true attitude towards life, life is always rich and colorful occurrence, but always need experience, reflection, growth and precipitation, do not complain, understand contentment.

十九、 总有那么一个人,你说不爱了,却在听到关于他的消息时,心狠狠的抽痛。有时候,我们就是鱼缸里的鱼,想说的很多,可是一开口就成了一连串的省略号,最后都默默的留在了心里。There will always be someone who you say you don"t love, but when you hear the news about him, your heart aches bitterly. Sometimes, we are the fish in the aquarium. We want to say a lot, but when we open our mouth, we become a series of ellipsis marks. At last, we remain silent in our hearts.

二十、心情不好的时候,做个深呼吸,告诉自己,不过是糟糕的一天而已,又不是糟糕一辈子;等你生活中真有了生老病死这样的大事,才会知道自己以前半夜的忧伤矫情都是狗屁。When you"re in a bad mood, take a deep breath and tell yourself that it"s just a bad day, not a bad life. When you have such a big event as birth, old age, illness and death in your life, you will know that you used to have a bad mood in the middle of the night.

二十一、爱过后,也许我们是有很多时候,都很怀念,想念,一个人的时候,因为一个人可以做很多两个人不能做的事,可是就因为我们选择了爱,所以,也自然而然的失去了很多,没有了很多。After love, maybe we have a lot of times, very miss, miss, when a person, because one person can do many things that two people can not do, but because we choose love, so naturally lost a lot, not a lot.

二十二、你有没有试着回过头去看你跟一个人的聊天记录,从一开始到现在。看着看着就笑了,笑着笑着就哭了。一个人,从陌生走近你,然后再陌生,自始至终。Have you ever tried to look back at your chat record with someone, from the beginning to the present? Look at it and laugh, laugh and cry. A person comes to you from strangers, then strangers, from beginning to end.

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