
故作伤感的爱情短句 高级又治愈 让人难以忘怀


I dont need a smooth tone, plain words can win you over 谢谢你陪我走过这么些年,谢谢你包容我的坏脾气,包容我的无理取闹Thank you to

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I don"t need a smooth tone, plain words can win you over.


Thank you to accompany me through so many years, thank you tolerance of my bad temper, tolerance of my unreasonable


No one can sing as pure as those in the deepest part of hell.


If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.


Are people born twice?Yes.The first is on the day man begins his life;The second time, is in the germination of love that day.-- Victor Hugo


Don"t mind lonely, than love you comfortable.


Not if we can"t be together. It"s no big deal. I"ll just get through it.


Let the future come, let the past go.


"Every time I see you, I pretend not to see you, but I watch you thousands of times out of my corner of my eye."


Island is the ocean wants to overflow to cover wounds.


The world is too false, the heart is too deep.I was too stupid to see.


You have countless spare, you love, not because you are attractive, but because you are cheap and versatile.

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