
可以使人放松情绪的漂亮短句 温柔又含蓄 深沉而有意义


In a long night, missing like thousands of ants gnawing my body 我要偷你的体温说人话要抱抱Im gonna steal your temperature Speak human language Hug 就算终有一别也别辜负了相遇

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In a long night, missing like thousands of ants gnawing my body.


"I"m gonna steal your temperature." "Speak human language." "Hug."


Even if there is a don"t also don"t live up to meet.


You are silent, I accompany you speechless.You laugh, I accompany you mountain shout tsunami.When you grow old, I"m with you.


Blessed enough people, will often hear right and wrong;Blessed enough people, never hear right and wrong.


Aren"t you spending time with your girlfriend?I don"t have a girlfriend.Oh?Didn"t you say you always had a goddess?Wasn"t I talking to her right now?


Loving you is like breathing, how can I stop?


You did nothing but amaze me for half my life, and have kept me alive and dying ever since.


Can love many people, worthy of love few.


Please forgive me for liking you for so long.


Personal thought unforgettable memories, others may have already forgotten.


While out playing with friends, don"t forget the lonely elderly at home.

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