
精巧简洁唯美小句子 简单又文艺 满是柔情


Im sure youre busy so just read the first three words ?而不是那种将你的善良接受的理所应当?Instead of taking your goodness for g

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I do not allow you to grace not temperature, wear more, the cold will catch a cold, no matter what you wear, you are the most beautiful in my eyes!


I"m sure you"re busy so just read the first three words.


?Instead of taking your goodness for granted


The true love should surmounted the length of life the width of mind and the depth of soul.

这一年,风往北吹,可你的记忆却找不回。 那一年,雨一直下,可你的思念却碎成沙。

This year, the wind blows north, but your memory can not find back. That year, the rain has been falling, but your thoughts are broken into sand.


In the world, only your love can warm my heart, there is nothing more worthy of praise.


When you cry, look at the sky to stop the tears from running across your face.


In the world of mortals, there are only three people who are happy with themselves: sun, moon, and qing.Sunrise east, the moon falls west Chamber, holding your hand, and qing whitehead.


I have no other idea, I just silly like you.


I wanted to give you the best in the world, but found that the best in the world is you.


If Conan had lived, he would have been turned into Goro Mori.


Some people say don"t complain too much, because life is, like drinking water is cold, I want to ask you don"t shout when hot water.

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