
传遍朋友圈的煽情小句子 暖心治愈 深情难忘记


真正的遗忘并不是指永远忘记。而是在偶尔想起时能够心中毫无波澜。True forgetfulness does not mean forgetting forever But in occasionally

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True forgetfulness does not mean forgetting forever.But in occasionally think of when the heart is no waves.


Guess what kind of uniform I like, being in your uniform.


Sometimes regret is a price you can"t pay back.


I need you to put yourself in my place and take a look at the past.


You may dress seductively, but you look safe.


Happiness is an action, you give is only a concept.


"Actually, I only miss you once a day." "That little." "Because it"s a whole day."


But later we still lonely, you change a few stations, I have been wandering.


Although life is so ugly, but the way we smile is really beautiful.


To turn your dreams into reality, the first step is to wake up.


Flick the fleeting time, flick song dust scattered, emaciated who love?Memories in the years shed tears who?The past in the time falling whose sadness?


The fortune teller said I wanfu, do you want to verify it?

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