
晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 现实又无奈 美好的向往


I hit the south wall, and Im not going to go back to this one either I hit it and forgot it 我撞了南墙,我也不打算再回到这一个

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You said you would accompany me to a certain year, month and day, but you left me in a street on a certain day and night.


I hit the south wall, and I"m not going to go back to this one either. I hit it and forgot it.


You laughed and jogged in the snow, leaving a clear trail behind you. "You will follow this trail to find me in the next life, but don"t lose me!" Walking alone in the snow, looking for the footprints behind you, only to find that things have changed!


May you be brave and fearless every day in the future, even if you are alone.


However, everything will change one day, let alone people"s minds.


Life is very short. If you accidentally meet the wrong person, you must learn how to stop.


Knowing that I was still the last one injured, I still chose to believe you as always.


Sometimes I would rather be silent than struggle, so-called persistence.


The blue silk bronze mirror locks the face, but the loneliness is that I shelve the yellow letterheads all over the house.


Ma Yun said that education is not important, but his son goes to school at Berkeley, California. Wang Jianlin also said that Tsinghua Peking University is not as courageous as it is, but Wang Sicong graduated from University College London. Do you see it? Successful people are not stupid enough to tell you the secret of their success! Those words they said are fooling you!


Every time I look at your photos, I can"t stand the torment of missing, tears drop by drop on the keyboard, and when I think of the scenes with you, my heart feels like being cut with a knife. How many times have I plucked up the courage to accept such cruel facts, but I have never done it once, and my missing continues, and I miss you without stopping.


Men will say, "I will never leave you." But they often turn around first. Women always say, "I won"t love you all my life!" It is often they who cling to love all their lives. In fact, a man rarely speaks harshly to a woman, but he will tell you his attitude with his actions. Women used to say cruel words to men, but it was her who had a hard mouth and soft heart. In feelings, it is easy to conquer a woman"s heart.


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