
浓情伤感的情绪文案 简单高级 值得收藏


Let fate end from now on!Memories have been turned to dust in the time machine 纵使你是仙人掌,我也要抱住你,哪怕遍体鳞伤

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Distant mountains and smoke, dogs and fields,


Let fate end from now on!Memories have been turned to dust in the time machine.


Even if you are cactus, I will hold you, even if you were covered all over with cuts and bruises.


The best marriages are not when you"re the breadwinner and I"m the beautiful one.It"s that we"re even. You"re good. I"m not bad.


People who are filled with their own opinions and ideas never hear what others have to say.


After meeting you...I found myself so willing to pay...


A little woman, but I like it.I won"t make you angry any more, I miss you, I miss you, I hate to gnaw you!


Holding your hand, missing your gentleness, the past is all my fault, your forgiveness is my greatest happiness, I hope your heart for me to open.


Male: "I am a little afraid of you" female: "AM I very fierce?"Man: "No, because I"m afraid of my wife."


Put your trust in the personality signature: most of the mistakes and losses, because do not work hard, do not insist, do not retain.


You don"t have to distinguish between north and south, just need to move in the direction of me.


I will always be behind you, waiting for you every time you turn around.Maybe you don"t know how much you mean to me.


The rice is in the pot and I am on the bed.


I will not allow you to distrust me, I promised you, said, promised you everything I will do!

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