
经典有深度的语录:心若不动 风又奈何 你若不伤 岁月无恙



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一、一个人可以容忍你的胡说八道,不是因为没有底线,而是愿意为你妥协。幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活条件,而是取决于人们的心态。当你感到高兴的时候,一切看起来都很好。One can tolerate your nonsense, not because there is no bottom line, but because he is willing to compromise for you. Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on people"s living conditions, but depends on people"s mentality. Everything looks good when you are happy.

二、世界的面貌取决于你的目光,你的价值取决于你的追求和态度。一切美好的愿望,不是在等待中得到的,而是在奋斗中得到的。The face of the world depends on your vision, and your value depends on your pursuit and attitude. All good wishes are not acquired in waiting, but in struggle.

三、如果没有人可以爱,我会努力成为一个可爱的人。不要抱怨任何人,不要嘲笑任何人,不要嫉妒任何人,在阳光下闪耀,在雨中奔跑,梦想自己的梦想,走自己的路。If no one can love, I will try to be a lovely person. Don"t complain about anybody, don"t laugh at anybody, don"t envy anybody, shine in the sun, run in the rain, dream your dreams, walk your own way.

四、你的城市在下雨。我想问你是否有雨伞。但我拒绝了,因为我害怕你说你不带,我什么都做不了,就像我爱你,但不能给你想要的。It"s raining in your city. I want to ask if you have an umbrella. But I refused because I was afraid that you would say you didn"t take it with me. I couldn"t do anything like I loved you, but I couldn"t give you what you wanted.

五、当你跑步时,风景在变,你追求的东西也在变。每一个岔路,每一个山坡和山谷,每一次突如其来的暴风雨,都是运动,无论是出汗还是流泪,我们都在成长。When you run, the scenery changes, and the things you pursue also change. Every fork, every hillside and valley, every sudden storm, is a movement, whether it is sweating or tears, we are growing.

六、我从不想体面地说再见,因为当我真的爱你的时候,我不想说再见。无论在世界的任何角落,无论相隔多远,只要你想看到月亮的同一面,你就觉得你一直在我身边。I never want to say goodbye in dignity, because when I really love you, I don"t want to say goodbye. No matter in any corner of the world, no matter how far apart, as long as you want to see the same side of the moon, you feel you have been around me.


Life always gives you answers, but it won"t tell you everything right away. It takes some pain to see the truth. You have to understand that you can"t keep the person you want to leave, you can"t wake up the person who pretends to sleep, you can"t move the person who doesn"t love you.


Don"t meet anyone deliberately, don"t be anxious to have anyone, and don"t reluctantly keep anyone. Everything goes according to its own course. The best one is left to the last one. The best thing in the world is that waking up every morning is another brand-new day, completely free and never stopping.

九、爱和爱过,只多一个字,却隔了一个曾经。所谓白头到老,没什么秘诀。只是在相爱时,存下点感动,在冷战时,懂一些感恩。Love and love, only one word more, but separated by a once. There is no secret to the so-called "white head to old age". Only when in love, save a little touching, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.

十、有人说苦难会让人变得高风亮节,其实不然,有时幸福的生活才会让人的情操变得高尚,苦难在大多数情况下,只会让人变得心胸狭窄,苦大仇深。很多事情不能自己掌控,即使再孤单再寂寞,仍要继续走下去,不许停、也不能回头。Some people say that misery can make people noble, but in fact, sometimes happy life will make people noble. In most cases, misery will only make people narrow-minded, bitter and hatred. Many things can not be controlled by themselves, even if lonely again, still continue to go on, not stop, can not turn back.

十一、生活就像一架钢琴:白键是快乐,黑键是悲伤。但是,要记住只有黑白键的合奏才能弹出美妙的音乐。生活本来就不易,不必事事渴求别人的理解和认同,静静的过自己的生活。心若不动,风又奈何,你若不伤,岁月无恙。Life is like a piano: the white key is happy, the black key is sad. However, remember that only black and white keys can produce wonderful music. Life is not easy. You don"t have to crave for others"understanding and recognition, and live your life quietly. If the heart doesn"t move, the wind can"t help it. If you don"t hurt, the years will be all right.

十二、我们都已经过了耳听爱情的年纪,毕竟没有了奋不顾身的勇气。从何时开始,承诺是你心血来潮的谎言,敷衍是你脱口而出的口头禅。既然你不认真,我就不当真了。We have all passed the age of listening to love, after all, there is no courage to desperate. From when, commitment is your whim of lies, perfunctory is your blurt out of the mantra. Since you are not serious, I am not serious.


Commitment need not be beautiful, action in place is true; time is walking, you and I are on the road. Identify the direction, start afresh, and always go far! Energetic and progressive, the dream will shine at last!

十四、每一丝成绩都是您心头最甜的果,每一个电话都是您最美的笑,每一次陪伴都是您最惬的暖,每一个拥抱都是您最爱的歌。Every score is the sweetest fruit in your heart, every phone is your most beautiful smile, every company is your most comfortable warmth, every hug is your favorite song.

十五、 生活总是这样,不能叫人处处都满意,但我们还要热情地活下去。人活一生,值得爱的东西很多,不要因为一个不满意,就灰心。Life is always like this. It can"t satisfy people everywhere, but we still need to live enthusiastically. There are many things worth loving in one"s life. Don"t be discouraged because one is unsatisfied.

十六、友情,是我们每个人都不可或缺的,在成长途中,彼此结伴而行,遇到岔路或者悬崖及时拉一把,共同度过我们的美好青春年华!Friendship is indispensable to each of us. In the process of growing up, we can walk with each other. When we meet a fork or a cliff, we can pull one hand in time to spend our beautiful youth together.

十七、如果有一天,你我白发苍颜,垂垂已老,我想与你,檐下默默地坐,看着你躺在摇椅里,慢慢地摇。希望有一天,我们能静赏庭前花开花落,一起看细水长流!If one day, you and I are gray-haired, drooping old, I want to sit quietly with you, under the eaves, watching you lying in the rocking chair, slowly shaking. I hope that one day, we can watch the flowers blossom and fall in front of the court and watch the long flow of thin water together!

十八、人生,只有像茶叶一样,在滚水中反复折腾,浸泡,才能把内在的潜质逼出来,为自己创造出长久稳定的幸福。Life, only like tea, in the boiling water repeatedly toss, soak, in order to force out the inherent potential, to create long-term and stable happiness for themselves.

十九、去做你想做的,去选你爱的,而不是别人眼里正确的,你的一辈子应该为自己而活。别和往事过不去,因为它已经过去,别和现实过不去,因为你还要过下去。Do what you want to do, choose what you love, not what others think is right, and you should live for yourself all your life. Don"t get along with the past, because it"s gone, don"t get along with the reality, because you have to go on.

二十、不要沮丧,不必惊慌,做努力爬的蜗牛或坚持飞的笨鸟,我们试着长大,一路跌跌撞撞,然后遍体鳞伤。坚持着,总有一天,你会站在最亮的地方,活成自己曾经渴望的模样。Don"t be frustrated, don"t panic, try to climb snails or foolish birds, we try to grow up, stumble all the way, and then bruise all over. Hold on, one day, you will stand in the brightest place and live like you once longed for.

二十一、人生,有所为有所不为,其实就是有所谓也无所谓。前行的路上,我们都犹如大雨中奔跑的孩子,曾经迷茫,曾经落寞,曾经拥有,曾经无数次失去,将心中的梦,无情挥霍。In life, there is something to do or not to do, in fact, it doesn"t matter that there is so-called. On the way forward, we are like children running in the heavy rain. We used to be confused, lonely, owned, lost countless times, and squandered our dreams relentlessly.

二十二、真正能困住一个人的,不是钢铁铸就的牢笼,而是心中矗立的高墙。有人的地方就存在江湖,有江湖的地方就不存在公平。What really traps a person is not a cage made of steel, but a high wall standing in the heart. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Where there are rivers and lakes, there is no fairness.

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