
超暖心的治愈系文案 充满无奈 充满现实的无奈


Ill take your hand and grow old with you 其实想把荒唐的观念弃之不顾,其实不想念旧成为毫无希望的事情

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I"ll take your hand and grow old with you.


In fact, I want to abandon the absurd concept, in fact, DO not want to become hopeless things.


It seems to be the same every time, without exception.When we most need a person to rely on, often to the end are their own a person to survive.


I will not allow you to distrust me, I promised you, said, promised you everything I will do!


Heart broken, as if no tears.


Dear Husband remember: after marriage, if the husband does not send flowers to his wife on Valentine"s Day, the wife will put a handful of green vegetables in the vase at home.


Life is like a phone call, not you hang up first, is I hang up first, I am more polite, or you hang up first.


Some like it, just enjoy it from afar.Some feelings, keep smiling, just pass by.


My tears into rain, also reluctant to get wet you.


Loving you is not the end, the end is to love you!Loving you is not the goal, the goal is to love you for a lifetime!


True love is not love at first sight, but love over time.


I always wear your smile of love, every time tears across the mouth, with your hand to wipe.

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