
晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 简朴文艺 护你天真


Liking you is an addictive thing that can never get over the addiction 是我太傻太天真,所谓的誓言你都做不到,我为何还要傻傻的保留着

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"Guess what I want to eat." "I don"t know." "I"m staring at you."


Liking you is an addictive thing that can never get over the addiction.


I was too silly too naive, the so-called oath you can not do, why should I keep silly.


After a long time to know that the original and some people the best outcome, is no message to each other.


Thank you enlighten me in my helplessness and comfort me when I cry.


You must be afraid of being alone if you laugh so much.


Meeting you is my greatest fortune in this life. Falling in love with you is my choice without regret in this life.


Every time I tried to smile the tears of the heart flooded themselves.


Love, not so profound, can depend on each other is the greatest happiness.


Originally, the world is the enemy of time.Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are its vanquished.


Love a person needs courage, because he needs a lifetime waiting.


There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun, the other is the human heart.

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