
优质好句 温暖美好 越看越喜欢!


The dream woven with love, as if with the taste of luck, is the yearning of all people 谢谢你在我黑暗的世界里让我见到了光,也感谢你坚定不移的选择

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The dream woven with love, as if with the taste of luck, is the yearning of all people.


Thank you for letting me see the light in my dark world, and thank you for your unswerving choice.


It"s all thanks to love and love, so that we can be together and start with the same purpose.


I don"t want to deal with anyone, I also want to shine in your world.


Like you this sentence, I have always been in the heart do not open said.


I and all people think of you, only in front of you, will tell the romance and love.


Go all out to you, although we are mediocre, we all want to meet better ourselves.


Although can"t catch up with the pace of time, but I still hope the next second, I can still accompany you.


There is no absolute thing. Sometimes we can change our bottom line in order to do something.


I know you are not the whole of my life, he is also an indispensable part of my life.


My life is worth it because of you. Thank you for your sincerity and magnanimity, which makes me feel the purest love in the world.


We don"t need so much nonsense, we can all live in each other"s interests.


Time has been recording our life for us, even if the world is busy, we should keep awake and happy.






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