
三观超正的温柔阳光文案 无意间治愈你!


Life coke world is lovely 二、没有特别的幸运 就要特别的努力

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一、生活可乐 世界可爱。

Life coke world is lovely.

二、没有特别的幸运 就要特别的努力。

No special luck requires special efforts.

三、熬过那段煎熬的日子 我们都会好。

We"ll all be fine through that ordeal.

四、睡一个长长的觉 做一个甜甜的梦 忘掉所有的不开心。

Sleep a long sleep and have a sweet dream and forget all your unhappiness.

五、学会长大 学会承受 学会哭过之后 还可以微笑地拥抱爸爸妈妈。

Learn to grow up and learn to embrace mom and dad with a smile after crying.

六、 一晃两三年 匆匆又夏天。

In a flash, two or three years went by in a hurry and summer.

七、时间在不断筛选你身边的人和事 不会有人永远陪着你 但有人永远陪你。

Time is constantly screening the people and things around you. No one will accompany you forever, but someone will accompany you forever.

八、不是越来越现实而是越来越喜欢踏实的感觉 所以喜欢看得见摸得着的东西 那些有的没得越来越不在意了。

Not more and more realistic, but more and more like the feeling of steadiness, so I like the things that can be seen and touched, and I don"t care more and more about what I have or haven"t.

九、人活着不是为了爱与被爱而活 人是为了自己喜欢的事情而活 爱是之一 不是唯一。

People live not to love and be loved, but to live for what they like, and love is not the only one.

十、每一个优秀的人都有一段沉默的时光 那段时光 是付出了很多努力却得不到结果的日子我们把它叫做扎根。

Every good person has a period of silence, that time is a lot of effort but can not get the results of the day we call it rooted.


People love sunset when they are sad.


The vast thousands of times, see her again later.

十三、闲话终日有 不听自然无。

It"s natural not to listen to gossip all day long.

十四、绿色恰好拥抱阳光 眼里尽是希望。

Green happens to embrace the sun, full of hope.

十五、出言有尺 嬉闹有度 做事有余 说话有德。

Words have feet, play, do things more than words, have virtue.

十六、谣言源于弱者 强者不屑一顾。

The rumor stems from the disdain of the weak and the strong.

十七、真话太少 笑话太多。

Too little truth, too many jokes.

十八、不拖不欠 都别怀念。

Don"t even think about it.

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