
take的短语有很多 用法都在这了……


Take it easy Dont worry about my present situation Is there anything wrong with my baby?Nothing serious Take it easy take ones time:用来告诉别人有时间,慢慢来

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take it/things easy : 意思是 “不着急,不要紧张 ”等,强调在心理上放松,别担心。

Take it easy. Don’t worry about my present situation.

--Is there anything wrong with my baby?

--Nothing serious. Take it easy.

take one’s time:用来告诉别人有时间,慢慢来。意味着时间还早,没必要匆忙。英文解释为Don’t hurry. There’s enough time.

--Hurry up, we may be late for our flight.

--Take your time; there is a lot of time left.

take a rest 休息一会儿

take back 收回

take care of 照顾

take away 拿走

take a seat 就座

take advice 接受意见

take down 写下,记下

take medicine 服药

take photos 照相

take a chance/chances碰运气; 冒险

take part in 参加

take on 呈现;雇佣

take out 拿出

take up 从事

take place 发生

take off 脱下,(飞机)起飞, 成功



(1) Before the examination, our teacher told us to ________ and have a good rest.

(2) Since you have a lot of time left, you needn’t hurry, _________.

(3) Great changes have _____ in our village in the past ten years.

(4) Someone has_____ my dictionary while I am out.

(5) The plane is going to __. It will land in America.#初中英语#

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