
双语——塞缪尔如何找到领袖(HOW SAMUEL FOUND A LEADER-E54)


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HOW SAMUEL FOUND A LEADER【译】塞缪尔如何找到领袖【单词】FOUND 原型:find 动词过去式 [fahynd][fand] v. 找到;发现【单词】LEADER 原型:leader 名词 ["lee-der]["lid(r)] n. 领袖;领导者;指挥者【专有名词】SAMUEL 原型:Samuel n. 塞缪尔(男子名)

There was a rich Benjamite named Kish, who lived at Gibeah.【译】有个富有的便雅悯人名叫基什,他住在基比亚。【语法】sb., who ...,是定语从句,who后面的从句用来修饰前面的人物;【单词】rich 形容词 [rich][rt] adj. 富有的【专有名词】Benjamite 便雅悯人【专有名词】Kish [kish][k] n. [人名] 基什【专有名词】Gibeah 基比亚 (圣经地名)


He had a son named Saul, a man full grown and handsome; no one among the Israelites was more handsome than he.【译】他有一个儿子,名叫扫罗,是个长得丰满俊美的人,以色列人中没有一个人比他更英俊。【单词】full grown 发育完全的;充分生长的【单词】handsome 形容词 ["han-suhm]["hnsm] adj. 英俊的【专有名词】Saul n. 扫罗(男子名;以色列第一个国王)【专有名词】Israelites 原型:Israelite 名词复数形式 ["iz-ree-uh-lahyt, -rey-]["iz,rilait] n. 以色列人

From his shoulders and upward he was taller than any of the people.【译】他的肩膀就已经高于其他任何人。【单词】shoulders 原型:shoulder 名词复数形式 ["shohl-der]["ld] n. 肩膀;肩部【单词】upward 副词 ["uhp-werd]["pwd] adv. 向上;上升

Now the asses of Kish, Saul"s father, were lost.【译】现在,扫罗的父亲基什的驴丢了。【单词】asses 原型:ass 名词复数形式 [as][s] n. 驴【单词】lost 原型:lose 动词过去分词 [looz][luz] v. 丢失

So Kish said to Saul, "Take one of the servants with you and go, look for the asses." They went through the highlands of Ephraim and the land of Shalishah, but did not find them.【译】基什就对扫罗说:“你带一个仆人去找驴。”他们走遍了Ephraim高地和Shalishah地,都没有找到它们。【短语】look for 寻找;例句:He turned on the torch to look for his keys. 他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。【短语】went through 原型:go through 穿过,寻找;例句:The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。【单词】servants 原型:servant 名词复数形式 ["sur-vuhnt]["svnt] n. 仆人【单词】highlands 原型:highland 名词复数形式 ["hahy-luhnd]["halnd] n. 高地

Then they crossed into the land of Shaalim, but the asses were not there.【译】然后他们进入Shaalim那地,但驴不在那儿。【短语】crossed into 原型:cross into 跨进,越界进入

They also went through the land of Benjamin, but did not find them.【译】他们还去了Benjamin那地,却还是没有找到驴。

They had come into the land of Zuph when Saul said to his servant who was with him, "Come, let us go back, that my father may not stop thinking of the asses and be anxious about us." The servant answered him, "There is a man of God in this town who is held in honor; all that he says is sure to come true.【译】他们进了Zuph那地时,扫罗对跟随他的仆人说:“我们回去吧,我父亲可能还在想着他的驴,也会担心我们。”仆人回答说:“在这个镇上有个上帝的人,受到极大的尊敬;他说的话都会实现。【短语】thinking of 原型:think of 想起,记起,考虑;例句:I couldn"t think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。【短语】be anxious about 为……而忧虑;例句:I don"t wonder you were anxious about their safety. 你为他们的安全着急,我是不奇怪的。【短语】be sure to do 一定(务必)要做到某事;例句:Be sure not to be late. 一定不要迟到了。【短语】come true 实现,成真;例句:His dream will come true sooner or later. 他的理想迟早会实现。【【单词】servant 名词 ["sur-vuhnt]["svnt] n. 仆人【单词】held 原型:hold 动词过去分词 [hohld][hld] v. 保持【单词】honor 名词 ["on-er]["n] n. 荣誉;尊敬【专有名词】God 名词 [god][ɡd] n. 上帝

Now let us go there; perhaps he can tell us the way we should go."【译】我们去那儿吧,也许他能告诉我们应该往哪儿走。”【单词】perhaps 副词 [per-"haps][p"hps] adv. 或许;也许

Saul said to his servant, "But, suppose we go, what shall we take to the man, for the bread is gone from our sacks, and there is no present to take to the man of God?【译】扫罗对他的仆人说:“但是,如果我们去那人那里,应该带些什么呢,因为我们袋子里的面包都吃完了,也没有礼物送给他。”【用法】suppose+名词/代词+介词短语 表示“猜测某人/某物在……”。如: He supposed his friend in the library. 他猜想他的朋友在图书馆里。 而suppose+名词/代词+to be 表示“猜想某人……”。如: She supposed her sister to be in the park. 她猜想她妹妹在公园。 I supposed the girl to be a teacher. 我猜这个女孩是位老师。 suppose也可用于插入语中。如: Who do you suppose called today? 你猜今天谁打过电话?【单词】sacks 原型:sack 名词复数形式 [sak][sk] n. 袋子【单词】present 名词 ["prez-uhnt]["prez()nt] n. 礼物

What have we?" The servant answered Saul again and said, "See, I have with me a quarter of a silver shekel.【译】我们有什么呢?”仆人回答说:“看,我有二十五分银币。【单词】quarter 名词 ["kwawr-ter]["kwt] n. 四分之一【单词】silver 形容词 ["sil-ver]["slv] adj. 银的;银制的【单词】shekel 名词 ["shek-uhl]["ekl] n. 谢克尔(古希伯来或巴比伦的衡量单位和钱币)

Give it to the man of God that he may tell us our way." Then Saul said to his servant, "Your advice is good; come, let us go." So they went to the town where the man of God was.【译】我们把这给他,他就有可能给我们指路了。”扫罗就对仆人说:“你的建议不错,我们去吧。”他们就去了那人所在的镇。【单词】advice 名词 [ad-"vahys][d"vas] n. 建议

As they were going up to the town, they met young women going out to draw water and said to them, "Is the seer here?" They answered them, "He is there; he is before you.【译】他们正往城里去的时候,遇见了从镇里出来打水的年轻女子,就问到:“先知在这里吗?”她们回答说:“他在那里,在你前面。【单词】seer 名词 ["see-er for 1; seer for 2–4][s] n. 预言者;先知;占卜者

Make haste, for he has just come into the town, for the people have a sacrificial feast to-day at the sacred place on the hilltop.【译】你们赶紧,因为他刚到城里,今天百姓要在山顶上的圣地举办献祭的筵席。【短语】Make haste 原型:make haste 赶快;例句:Make haste, or you will be too late. 赶快,不然就太晚啦。【单词】sacrificial 形容词 [sak-ruh-"fish-uhl][skr"fl] adj. 献祭的【单词】feast 名词 [feest][fist] n. 宴会;酒席【单词】sacred 形容词 ["sey-krid]["sekrd] adj. 神圣的;受尊重的【单词】hilltop 名词 ["hil-top]["hltp] n. 山顶

As soon as you come to the town, you will find him before he goes up to the high place to eat, for the people will not eat until he comes, for he blesses the sacrifice, and then the guests eat.【译】你们一到城里,就能在他上高地吃饭前找到他,他到了以后百姓才会开吃,因为他要保佑祭品,然后客人们才能吃。【单词】blesses 名原型:bless 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数形式) [bles][bles] v. 保佑;祝福;赐福【单词】sacrifice 名词 ["sak-ruh-fahys]["skrfas] n. 祭品【单词】guests 原型:guest 名词复数形式 [gest][ɡest] n. 客人;宾客

Therefore go up now, for at this time you will find him."【译】所以你们要现在去,这个时候你们能找到他。”【短语】at this time 这时,此时;例句:I would like to pay you back your money, but at this time I simply don"t have it. 我想还你钱,只是现在我没有。【单词】Therefore 原型:therefore 副词 ["thair-fawr, -fohr]["ef] adv. 因此;所以

So they went up to the town, and when they came inside the gate, Samuel was just coming out toward them to go up to the high place.【译】于是他们进城,当他们走进城门,正好碰到塞缪尔出来去高处。【单词】inside 介词 [preposition in-"sahyd][n"sad] prep. 在……里面【单词】gate 名词 [geyt][ɡet] n. 大门【单词】toward 介词 [preposition tawrd, tohrd, tuh-"wawrd, twawrd, twohrd; adjective tawrd, tohrd][t"wd] prep. 向;朝

Now Jehovah had told Samuel the day before Saul came, "About this time to-morrow I will send you a man out of the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him to be a prince over my people Israel.【译】扫罗来的前一天Jehovah已经告诉了塞缪尔:“明天这个时候Benjamin地之外会有一个人来,你要给他涂油膏,让他做我民以色列人的国君。【单词】anoint 动词 [uh-"noint]["nnt] v. [宗教]涂油使神圣化;用油擦【单词】prince 名词 [prins][prns] n. 国君【专有名词】Jehovah [ji-"hoh-vuh][d"hv] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)【专有名词】Israel 地名 ["iz-ree-uhl, -rey-]["zrel] n. 以色列[亚洲]

He shall deliver my people from the power of the Philistines; for I have seen the suffering of my people, because their cry has come to me."【译】他必救我的民脱离非利士人,因为我看见了我民的苦难,听到了他们的哀求。【单词】deliver 动词 [dih-"liv-er][d"lv] v. 解救【单词】power 名词 ["pou-er]["pa] n. 势力;权力【单词】suffering 名词 ["suhf-er-ing, "suhf-ring]["sf] n. 受难;苦楚【单词】cry 名词 [krahy][kra] n. 叫声;哭;喊

When Samuel saw Saul, Jehovah told him, "This is the man of whom I spoke to you!【译】当塞缪尔看到扫罗,Jehovah就对他:“这就是我与你说的那人!

He it is who shall rule over my people." So when Saul met Samuel in the gate, and said, "Tell me, if you will, where the seer"s house is," Samuel answered Saul, "I am the seer; go up before me to the high place, for you shall eat with me to-day; and in the morning I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your mind.【译】他将统治我的民众。”所以当扫罗在门口遇见塞缪尔时,说:“告诉我,如果你愿意,先知的房屋在哪里,”塞缪尔回答道:“我就是先知;走在我前面到高地去,因为你今天要跟我一起吃;早晨就让你走,也会告诉你你想知道的。【短语】rule over 统治;例句:European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions. 欧洲列强不再统治大块海外领土了。

As for your asses that were lost three days ago, do not trouble yourself about them for they have been found.【译】至于你们三天前丢了的驴,不用再为它们烦恼了,因为它们已经被找到了。【短语】as for 关于,至于,就……方面来说;例句:As for me, I teach art. 至于我自己,我教艺术。【单词】trouble 动词 ["truhb-uhl]["trb()l] v. 使烦恼;麻烦;折磨

And to whom belongs all that is best in Israel?【译】以色列最好的一切都属于谁?【单词】belongs 原型:belong 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [bih-"lawng, -"long][b"l] v. 应归入;属于

Does it not belong to you and to your father"s house?" Saul answered and said, "Am I not a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and is not my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin?【译】不是属于你和你父亲全家吗?”扫罗回答说:“我不是便雅悯人,不属于以色列最小的部落,我的家族也不属于便雅悯人的部落。【短语】belong to 属于;例句:The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人。【单词】tribes 原型:tribe 名词复数形式 [trahyb][trab] n. 部落;族;一伙人

Why then do you speak to me in this way?"【译】你为什么要这样对我说话?”

But Samuel took Saul and his servant and brought them into the hall and made them sit at the head of the guests (who were about thirty in number).【译】但是塞缪尔把扫罗和他的仆人带到殿里,叫他们坐在客人之首(大约有三十人)。【短语】at the head of 在……的最前面;例句:I waited at the head of the queue. 我在队伍的最前头等候着。【短语】in number 总共;例句:We are sixty in number. 我们一共60人。【单词】hall 名词 [hawl][hl] n. 门厅;大厅;前厅

Samuel also said to the cook, "Bring the part which I gave you and told you to put aside." So the cook took up the leg and what was on it and placed them before Saul.【译】塞缪尔还对厨师说:“把我之前给你让你放在一边的那份拿来。”于是厨师拿起腿和腿上的东西,把这些放在扫罗面前。【短语】put aside 撇开,把……放在一边,储存……备用;例句:I have to put aside my emotions, and look at it from his standpoint. 我得把我的感情放在一边,从他的角度去看这件事情。【单词】cook 名词 [kook][kk] n. 厨师

Then Samuel said, "See what has been kept for you!【译】塞缪尔说:“你看,为你准备了什么!

Set it before you and eat, for it was kept for you until the appointed time, that you might eat with the people whom I have invited." So Saul ate with Samuel that day.【译】吃了你面前的这些吧,因为这是给你准备让你在指定时间吃的,让你和我所请的人一起吃。”扫罗那天就和塞缪尔一起吃。【单词】appointed 原型:appoint 动词过去分词 [uh-"point]["pnt] v. 任命;委派;指定【单词】invited 原型:invite 动词过去分词 [verb in-"vahyt; noun "in-vahyt][n"vat] v. 邀请【单词】ate 原型:eat 动词过去式 [eet][it] v. 吃

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