
能让人记很久的文案 简单干净 适合摘抄


I have no reason to ask you to come to me 写在信里的我送到月亮上,那儿没有氧气,我能爱你上亿年I sent it to the moon in the le

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When you"re afraid of another heart attack, or a scribble ending


Nothing wrong, it"s street lights


You don"t really think someone will like you, as the film says, four or five years


Finally, the shark finally returned to the sea, and my words were hidden in my heart, and I didn"t want to say it to you, just because your attitude made me unable to say it


I have no reason to ask you to come to me.


I sent it to the moon in the letter. There was no oxygen. I could love you for hundreds of millions of years


It was hot that day, but the sun was bright and cicadas were singing and birds crowing. In that summer, I think maybe the sun was burning too hot, so I could never forget.


Let me sigh goodbye


Fortunately, missing is speechless, not the window of missing


That time, I just secretly sad, because my eyelashes fell into my eyes


Wutong leaves leaves young hearts, but autumn wind blows with sour and short unrequited love.


People who often go back are doomed to fail


With you, I want to spend a small town with you, sharing the endless dusk and the continuous bell.






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