
那些温柔的古风文案 万般皆辛苦 唯有你最甜


别想立一灯煌煌室间看夜。愿暗,则见窗外舞枝振星及真光明也。Dont try to stand a lamp and watch the night in the room If you wish

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Don"t try to stand a lamp and watch the night in the room. If you wish to be dark, you will see the dancing branches, the vibrating stars and the true light outside the window.


Star drunk on the moon into the deep sea, I thought I did not feel the beauty of the world and Jun also.


What you see in the corner of your eyes is memory; what you want in your heart is the past; what you see in your eyes is regret.


Learn Yin to stay, since you met the beginning, cold winter solution, the Milky way as before.


However, I still believe it. The stars should speak and the stones should be in China. After passing through the woods in summer and the wind and snow in winter, I finally get there.


After the dream, the dream is full of Cuihua, such as to see an old friend, overjoyed.


Life is poor, an dares to be rich, how dare to go astray.


A cup of green wine, a song to pay homage to Chen three wishes, a wish to Lang Jun thousand years old, two wishes to concubine, long wish to meet like Liang Shangyan years old.


If face like snow, this life is also a total of white head. If the white head snow can be replaced, how can the world be ungrateful? At this moment, if you are here, why do you need to drench the snow to make the white head.


Waiting for your news, waiting for the end of the heat.


The moon is the casual guest of man, and the pure joy of the world. My life is like a dream.

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