
暖暖的高级温情文案 高冷又文艺 满眼失望!


Although I dont know where you are, I know you are always in my heart 清晨不起早,误一天的事;幼年不勤学,误一生的事

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Although I don"t know where you are, I know you are always in my heart.


Can"t get up early in the morning, miss a day;If you don"t study hard in childhood, you will miss a lifetime.


No quarrel, no trouble, beautiful beginning should have a quiet end.


Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound.Love makes life rich, pain makes love sublime.


Forget how to love, forget how to pain, forget everything, the rest is just, the walking dead.


Why is unrequited love so good? Because unrequited love never loses love.You smile I am happy for many days, you a word I remember for many years.


You live so good, but I can"t forget anything.


I will turn my love to you into bright sunlight.Waiting for the light to warm your heart.


Send you a song, ask quzhong people gather.


When others have a bad temper, how can you persuade them, but also bring disaster to themselves


What else could I do in the face of your disdain?

有时候我也分不清 是错过好 还是在一起把爱耗尽了再分开才好

Sometimes I do not know whether to miss or together to run out of love to separate

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阎又文:傅作义身边的神秘潜伏者 真实身份去世30年后才被解密


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