
青春年少懵懵懂懂的爱情文案 简单干净 让人一见倾心


The youths school uniform wrapped the biggest secret of my whole youth 2、我前半生最强烈的三次心跳,分别发生在上课被老师点名,下楼梯

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The youth"s school uniform wrapped the biggest secret of my whole youth.


The three strongest heartbeats in my first half of life occurred when I was called by the teacher in class, stepped down the stairs, and you smiled at me. Under the dusk of Rongrong, the boy"s smile was like golden maltose.


He used to shine all over his body, but later he found that it was the light in my eyes.


He stood there and I couldn"t see anyone else.


The names written on draft paper and books are of great significance.


I like you as a teenager. I don"t know why. I"m unreasonable.


Clearly there is no word above the paper, but look at you by the window, and then look at the paper, but it is full of love.


No one knows. In those years, when the teacher called your name, I was the first to look up.


More familiar with your back and shoes than your face.


I really want to see you and tell everyone that you belong to me. I really want to be drunk and coquettish with you. I really want to throw away those measured and distance. I really miss you.


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青春校园文:懵懵懂懂到相伴一生 最好的年纪遇见最美的你

青春校园文:懵懵懂懂到相伴一生 最好的年纪遇见最美的你


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