
只属于你的深情句子 适合发在朋友圈 爱永存心!


Without me, you really need electricity 就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明

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Without me, you really need electricity.


It is difficult for God to be wise in love.-- -- bacon


Don"t say preferences at will, the promise is debt!


The more I grow up, the more I feel that it is so difficult to meet a person in my life who can follow the first sentence and spoil you.


Better proud to be loved, than humble to love!


I always blame the world of free sentimental, why not love the two people away together.


Stick to me in case you get lost.


I"m not cold blooded or slow. I"m just afraid of putting too much into it and being sad when I leave.


Can I borrow a kiss?I promise I"ll pay you back.


God only controls half of us, and the harder we work, the more the half is in our hands.


Gratitude -- it"s debt;Anyone can show some debt, but love -- not money.-- Turgenev


It rained all night and my love spilled like rain.

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