
适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 满满的爱意 懂你心绪不安


Pay time, all say oneself is most willing, but did not get return time, still cant help but care about 相识只想心印心,相恋始知多怨恨,更爱你更多一份痛心

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Pay time, all say oneself is most willing, but did not get return time, still can"t help but care about.


Just want to know heart in heart, love only know more resentment, love you more a sad.


I promise you anything.


You say good-bye in a minute declaration, but I have to use a lifetime to forget.


Once this love as deep as the sea, now unfamiliar greetings.Turns out, this is the cruel time.


My sweetheart is a hero of the world, and one day he will marry someone on a cloud of seven colors.


Dare not love you too, afraid to forget yourself.I dare not love you too much for fear of losing myself.Dare not love you too, afraid not to find their own.


Every time I am in your path, quietly watching you, every day look forward to your past.


Not all efforts pay off, but I don"t want to be the accident of the few.


You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.


Man: "Can you lend me your cup?"Female: "why?"Male: "because I want to lend you a lifetime."


Love makes cowards bold and warriors cowards.-- William Shakespeare

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