
高级文艺的小短句 简单优质 句句说进你心坎儿


I also hope you can understand that I still love you so much 不要再问我为什么不敢对你说爱了,是因为我知道我对你的喜欢任何人都无法领

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I will slowly learn to look at all people with the most gentle eyes, so that those wasted love and goodwill should be used in your body


But I don"t want to miss you. I hope the wind can blow into your world


I also hope you can understand that I still love you so much.


Don"t ask me why I dare not say love to you, because I know that no one can understand my love for you. I know a lot about you, but I still just want to be the one in your heart.


It"s like the true feeling that the moon has been chewed into stars. You are hidden in the stars, but in your story, I don"t want you to be contaminated by others


I don"t go. Make sure that there is no relationship between love and love in your love, but you must be my most precious gift scattered in the world.


Just like the glass of water, it"s hot and warm. It"s very like the ignorance when we were together. The wind in winter will become gentle, and you make me serious enough.

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