
那些高品质的现实文案 唯美用心 看穿你的逞强


I am just an ordinary person, occasionally inferiority, occasionally disappointed 真希望能有一个人把肩膀借给我让我踏实地靠一下

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I am just an ordinary person, occasionally inferiority, occasionally disappointed.


I wish someone could lend me his shoulder and let me lean on it.


I"ve been waiting for you, but I didn"t take you for granted.


It"s better to be a sober outsider than a painful player.


It"s not easy to boil out the darkness, so don"t look back.


It"s not the matter that I"ve changed, but the false love. There"s nothing I can look forward to.


If you have time, improve yourself.


People who care about all your emotions really love you.


Don"t underestimate my determination. When I decide to be with you, I have decided to be with you for the rest of my life.


If your heart is not strong enough, don"t talk about love. I"m afraid you will get hurt.


Don"t feel reconciled only after you have consumed all your remaining love.


My enthusiasm is limited, so please grasp the time.


I hope that when you face this colorful world, you can still remember that you once made a promise to a girl.

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